Friday, November 2, 2012

O my goodness! O MY GOODNESS!


In the face of what the news has been painting as doom and gloom, all I see is kindness and beauty. I see friends and families pulling together and getting to the root of what is really important-relationships and possibility.

You see the idea that we have control over our life is really an illusion.  In fact, it is such an illusion, that people suffer from stress, anxiety, and depression just to name a few as a result of it. The minds incessant need to control some aspect of the moments and days based on the stories we have created, because of an opinion, interpretation, perception of an event then grown upon.  These bits distorted, rearranged, categorized then acted upon will either enhance our existence or destroy it. 

I ask you when you see the news, what events stick in you mind because of where you are focusing? Do you see victims or victors? What do you choose? Just remember please remember, where focus goes energy flows and results show.

Tap into your mind and train it to focus on the things that will really serve us as individuals, families, communities, countries and world. Seek to understand and let go of the sickness to control. Be free to deliberately become self aware and create the beautiful places in your mind. Spend time practicing after seeing what most people would label tragic, asking the question, where is the good in this?  You will find it.

Affirmation:  It is a privilege to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love and I enjoy finding the good and possibilities of this day!

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes
Your Hypnocoach
Amy Emme

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Ready for all your wishes to come true!!!

Are you ready to summon your magic carpet and fly away to paradise somewhere in the land where there are 100's of shades of gray or maybe multicolored places where raindrops are lemon drops and gumdrops, o what a world that would be. Actually you could walk outside with your mouth open wide- yummy!

Well, what if you could live a life of wealth and health, where each day you sprung from bed excited to meet the day full of opportunity and possibility and ready for adventure in all the small and big things, would you enjoy that? I know a few  people for sure who would, who do,  and some who are. When you learn  how to use your imagination instead of your willpower, you enlist the powers of your subconscious mind and really begin to fly!

To use mental force or willpower, is to presuppose that there is opposition. However, the act of imagination accepts all desires and allows you to feel the thrill of accomplishment, your subconscious brings about the realization of your desire. Many people in the tops of their fields have seen it many times before the actual event occurs- imagination in the form of visualization. Focused, controlled, directed, and disciplined imagination, practiced at best when the body is completely in a relaxed state, like before bedtime, as vividly as possible is the best time for results to form. Image what it would look like, sound like, smell like, feel like and even taste like to have that thing you desire. Include as many senses as possible and really center and tap in calling forth all of your resources, enjoying the process, really having fun like when you were a kid and believed without judgement - just believe whole heartily.  Just enjoy!

Affirmation: I am what I imagine myself to be.

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it
Hugs, Kisses, Love and Positive Wishes
Your Hypnocoach
Amy Emme

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Climbing Mountains the key to any success!

Ever wanna jump in life from peak to peak because going through the valley seems like it just takes too long? Ever feel like you are too old to learn to climb mountains, don't have enough time, not enough desire, or it is just that you were not made to do it? Where else is this showing up in your life?

Hulda Crooks, at the age of 91,  became the oldest woman to complete the ascent of Mt. Fuji in Japan.  She has inspired me to write this blog today. I see many clients often over 70, still wanting to learn about themselves and how to be the greatest version of themselves. They want to uncover their blocks and climb more personal mountains. I found it interesting this week how one person at 70 feels they have to hurry and get things in order for their funeral, while the other wants to hurry and get ready to climb that mountain? Which do you feel you currently resemble? 

Point I want to make, is if you see the peaks in the picture above they are separated with a valley. Our mind needs valleys to rebuild and rejuvenate. A place where we can breathe in the heavily oxygenated air and resupply our cells. We are not made to peak jump the valleys in life are very important. The valley is the place we assess which mountain we want to climb next and what peak we choose to focus on.

You see, it's never the environment or the events in our lives that that keep us where we are, it is the  meaning we attach to those events, how we interpret them that shapes who we will be today or tomorrow. Will you be preparing to die or climb mountains? Hypnotize yourself now by by affirming you are ready to be a mountain climber and starting training your mind to scale any mountain.   

Affirmation: I can climb any mountain while enjoying the valleys in between

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it
Hugs, Kisses, Love and Positive Wishes
Your Hypnocoach
Amy Emme

Friday, January 20, 2012

Married and frustrated? Here's Why......

Are you living in the same house separated, or are you separated not living in the same house at all? You may even be living in the same house doing all things together and still be separated. Here is the question to ask, how well do you know your partner and how open are you being about who you are? 

Benjamin Franklin said to consider how hard it is to change yourself and you'll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others. I say get clear in yourself and communicate that to others and be loved for who you are instead of changing who you are and the frustration goes away. 

Frustration comes from not knowing what you like and guessing what your partner does. Why guess what will make someone happy based on who you are, when you will usually be wrong! Ask your partner directly what they like- what are their favorite colors, movies, toys, ways to be touched, hobbies, blankets, pillows, pets, kids, finances, cuddle patterns, religion, foods, and habits. No matter how long you have been together each day is a new day and we are exposed to new things and we have a choice to see the world in a new light. Pretend each day is a new date and you get to learn your partner for the very first time. 

If you can think of each day as a new day to date your partner you will always fall in love. You get to choose to let go of the past and meet them in the moment. Look at them, reintroduce yourself to them and let them know what you like. Be completely honest with how you feel in every moment and rediscover, relearn, and relive, to the fullest of your ability and remember to celebrate who you are and who you are becoming.  

Affirmation : I enjoy learning who my partner is with each new day

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it
Hugs, Kisses, Love and Positive Wishes
Your Hypnocoach,
Amy Emme

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Why Burnout is a good thing!

Are you feeling disengaged, helpless, hopeless, detached, maybe depressed? In fact is it so bad that life sometimes feels like it’s not worth living? If you answered yes, then you need to learn a little more about the term burnout and see how having a burnout experience can be good for you……

Burnout is a psychological term for the experience of long-term exhaustion and diminished interest.

If you remember, one of the greatest tools I have to offer you, is to get into the practice of saying, “why this happening for me,” and you get a whole new powerful perspective on where you are in your world. If you are burnt-out it is a gift showing you that you are not on your path to purpose. It is your body communicating your emotional state to get your attention and get you back on track.

When was the last time you actually listened to your heart? As it’s calling for you? Your minds entire job is to protect you and if you don’t listen to it, then it will cause your body to shut down and do all kinds of things to get your attention. Burnout is a symptom of not having the courage to follow what you know your real desires are.  Why are you doing what you are doing? When was the last time you asked yourself, what would I do if I knew I would succeed?  The answer to this question is the one you need to be following. 

Many people think they are burnt out because they work too much. I know for a fact it is because they are not working on what they love to do. Just think about the last time you did something you really enjoyed how fast the time flew.  Hypnotize yourself now to trust your inner knowing and get on your path to purpose.

Affirmation: I trust myself to know how to live my life of purpose

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes
Your Hypnocoach
Amy Emme

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Having FAT is so Sexy!

O sweet beautiful FAT! I love people who have fat. Isn't it beautiful to be around people who have fat and are jolly? Did you know that FAT helps you be healthy? That FAT is the thing that contributes to people being successful. Did you know that having FAT can actually extend you life span? Fat can also increase your sex drive and intimacy with your partner? Fat helps all of your relationships improve, especially the one with yourself. If you want to know how FAT in your life can help you read on....

FAT (otherwise know as FOCUSED AWARE THOUGHTS!!), is the greatest drive in all that you do. When is the last FAT you had? What was it about? How much do you allow FAT to permeate your day? Did you know that having more FAT in a day can help you make all your dreams come true?

I invite learn with this one example;  most people want more money in their lives, yet if you ask them how much do they want to make in a month they have to struggle to come up with the number. Test this out yourself by asking a few of your friends to answer in 3 sec or less a number they would like to make each month and see how many know the answer. I want you to become so FOCUSED and AWARE that all your THOUGHTS will be deliberate to move you in the direction of your dreams. 

Contrary to what most of the world believes I think having FAT is the biggest turn on there is. It is a refreshing contrast to meet and know those who have FAT everyday most of the day! Trust me having FAT everywhere in all situations will contribute to your mental and physical health! Now hypnotize yourself to have as much FAT as you can in each moment!

Affirmation:  Focused Aware Thoughts Make My Dreams Come True

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it
Hugs, Kisses, Love and Positive Wishes
Your Performance Hypnocoach
Amy Emme

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Hypnosis Behind - Heterosuggestion

It is said that 98% of the thoughts in your mind are from other people- heterosuggestions. Have you ever wondered why you think what you do? Why is it you do the things you do? Why is it you do the things you don't want to do and can't seem to get control of them?

Heterosuggestions are suggestions that come from other people. They can be suggestions used to take control of another person. It is so important to consider where you are getting your suggestions from. Have you ever heard any of these suggestions:
Rich people are greedy
You can't do that
Our family isn't good at making money we have to work for it
You're to short, tall, smart, dumb, slow, fast, for that.....
You're not nice, you are ugly, fat, and the list goes on.
You are this, you are that, it is their fault, you should, you need help, you are crazy!!

Try this example, read the headlines or watch the news tonight and write down all the negative suggestions. If you are aware that your subconscious hears everything, and every day, you hear multiple stories that are full of anxiety, threat, fear, scarcity, doom and gloom you must pay absolute attention. You have to be careful of these fear based suggestions because, they can spin you into a perpetual spiral of depression and hopelessness. 

The good news is, hope and happiness are here once you become aware of you thoughts you can counteract all of these suggestions by creating ones of your own.
I can.....
I am great at making money and it comes easy and often into my life
I am ........
Choose to know other people's heterosuggestions are for them and  create  suggestions that support your mind in a wave of perfect health, wealth, and happiness.  The choice is yours- what you are willing to allow into your mind? What are you willing to accept and what are you  willing to do? This is one heterosuggestion that you can take on; only allow suggestions in that support you to be your best. 

Now that you are aware of this have fun as you reflect on how many beliefs come from parents, relatives, teacher and associates and examine which ones you choose to keep moving forward. Realize and understand this goes on in every environment to control you by instilling fear in you. The more trained you become, the more you will identify the subtle, and not so subtle attempts, both consciously and unconsciously, of others to get you to feel, think, and act, as they want you to, for their benefit, often harming you without you knowing.

So step up into the power of your autosuggestion zone vs the heterosuggestion zone and realize how powerful you truly are. Hypnotize yourself to be bold and call people on it when they attempt to manipulate you and say things that are not your truth. You will actually be doing them a favor by making them aware and most importantly you will be standing in your full power!

Affirmation: I hypnotize myself for my greatness with my suggestions

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it
Hugs, Kisses, Love and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach
Amy Emme

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Hypnosis Behind - Amy Emme

Have you ever wondered who this woman is that is dedicated to you stepping into your best life? I am sure if you have ever noticed my blogs you were like what the heck is a hypnocoach. Do you want more from life? Well I do, and if you are the sort of person passionate about  making a difference than you might want to read on.....

I asked my daughter Mary to help me with a topic tonight because it just wasn't flowing and she says, "What about the hypnosis behind Amy Emme?"  Well how do I write about how my brain is programmed I thought. So here goes this is what I believe to the very energy, in the subatomic particles, that make up the energy of me Amy Emme.  I have done my very best to understand how the mind works, in myself,  in general, and in very specific clients, all with different dis-eases. I believe at the core of every human exists love. Love in my experience is the highest purest form of life and everything else is just a calling for it.

I have always been curious about how to reach levels of joy and sustain them in all areas of life in all relationships. I have always been blessed to see beyond the words into the heart and the giftings of people.  So I have the title hypnocoach because well that is just what we do - we want to label things so it makes it easier for us to search for what resonates with us. I have studied hypnosis extensively, neuro-linguistic programming, metaphysics, spirituality, biology, chemistry, and well every other subject to help me to understand me and to help others with things that can assist them in learning who they are, and process to become the best version of themselves.

I got my start in medicine, always wanting to be a vet or doctor I just wanted to help things my whole life. It was always hard for me to see things suffer. Then my life took a detour and I landed in Germany and had a great chance to learn German and international business and I loved growing things. To take something from an idea that would go global was always so fascinating to me. From only some one's thoughts people all over the world would have their lives improved- how cool! I am fascinated with working on teams dedicated to improving in any form. I love health and wealth in all forms.

 I got into coaching when my former husband and I had an archery shop in Southern Illinois. I saw how the sport and discipline of Archery helped people become one with themselves.  This was the first time in my life I learned something that really stilled my mind and connected me entirely, mind, body and spirit. I love to shoot a recurve bow. Through archery, I got a second bonus I got to discover my abilities to bring out the best in my athletes as they brought out the best in me. It is truly an amazing thing to be a part of.

One of  my greatest teachers has been my relationships, those I wish I could have worked out better, those I wish I could have gifted who I am today, and those I am currently in relationship with who help me to grow in ways to keep me on a constant quest of improvement to get to the best me sooner. I still am not good at watching people unnecessarily suffer. However, in my now wisdom, I know that happiness is happeness- it is an active roll and a choice and in all relationships it takes all parties involved to commit to being authentic and true and pure in their love. Everyone involved must be brave- I believe people committed to being gentle, kind and authentic are the ones that hold the true meaning of power.

My constant mantra is to get back to love, to check in with me and to now trust my decisions and to make them. I am dedicated to being the best I can be for me and everyone I get to meet. My dream is to bring this gift of understanding to the world. Any and all learning I have, if in some way can help another, then I'm in. This is not what I do it is who I am and always have been and I am dedicated to hypnotizing myself to dreaming bigger and growing to reach all those who are ready to play full on. Feel me loving me love you!

Affirmation: Amy Emme Loves herself and me!

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it
Hugs, Kisses, Love and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach
Amy Emme

Friday, January 13, 2012

The Hypnosis Behind - Kids

Do you want more fun in your life? Did you ever just observe a group of kids? Did you ever notice how all they want to do is have fun? They can have fun sucking the salt off popcorn seeds. They can have fun using their fingers talking to themselves. Their imaginations are so fantastic because they focus on fun...What fun are you having today?

I was helping out at the school today and we were picking names for groups and all of a sudden a little girl started totally crying, when I asked her what was wrong she was upset because she didn't like the name of the group!?!?! All I did was ask her why and she said because she wanted it to be snowflake because they are pretty and vampires are scary to her. I asked her teammates if they minded and they were all in support of changing the name. Instantly she was giggling. The result was five minutes later she was laughing and playing.

It made me think how quickly she could change her entire mood. I thought about how much as adults we let our moods ruin our whole day instead of working with people to express what our real desires are and why. Most people are understanding and want to help, they just need your help understanding how to help you - whew! Imagine if she acted like an adult and didn't express her true feelings, it would have impacted the ability of the whole group to have fun because they would not be able to get her to participate. We can learn a lot from kids they just tell it like it is all over their faces. To have more fun we have to be willing to express and be authentic. It is OK to remain childlike and let your emotions show as long as you remember to be honest with where these emotions are coming from. Without making her team wrong saying they were dumb to pick vampires she just said she preferred to be snowflakes. With their support they all got on with the most important thing the fun!! Life is meant to be lived having fun and enjoying it. Today be like a kid and get to the fun- fast! Hypnotize yourself to focus on what fun you will have today and throughout your life :) enjoy!

Affirmation: I focus on the fun

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it
Hugs, Kisses, Love and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach
Amy Emme

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Hypnosis Behind - Stories

What story are you choosing to cling to? Was your dad a superhero? Was your grandfather a villain or some scary creature? What about your mom? Well, what about the teacher from the black lagoon? What about the story of your life?? How are you writing it and how is is playing out right now?

So many of my clients have such deep personal attachments to their stories, illusions, distorted memories of a childhood or a presenthood that I sit, often in amazement, at how the mind can keep them there. I wonder why we don't learn the story of how are minds create stories? In fact stay tuned that is my next children's book. My choice to be a performance hypnocoach comes from these stories. I am grateful for these stories because they inspire me to educate my clients on how to write new ones where they get to be the superheros. 

What if in the story of your life you could have the power to go outside yourself and see yourself telling your story? Wow powerful right?? Well guess what you can! It is called self hypnosis. With hypnosis you write new stories, ones that have happy endings. Stories that edit the past and rewrite the future so the author wins. 
What type of stories move you to take action? Who is your childhood or presenthood hero and how can you become them? Start writing your own superhero description what are they like? Who do they serve and how do they do it?

Mine begins like this: There once was a powerful woman named Amy Emme. Her whole mission in life was to  empower people to see how they have been under a strong powerful spell. How they had been hypnotized to believe that the unhealthy stories in their heads were actually their only options. She became a super Shero and gave them the tool of hypnosis to set them free. She hypnotized them with love and mind awareness so they could become the heros the world has been waiting for! Now hypnotize yourself to get writing! I wanna read your stories!

Affirmation: I choose to be the hero of my story

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it
Hugs, Kisses, Love and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach
Amy Emme

The Hypnosis Behind - Clarity

How are you looking at your world? How are you feeling in your world right now? Do you prefer to be a piece of coal or a beautiful diamond? If you choose to shine beautiful like a diamond read on... otherwise enjoy staying under pressure longer as coal and us diamonds will hopefully someday get to see you shine. 

Unless we change our thoughts and hypnotize ourselves to focus on the 4 C's then our tomorrows will repeat our yesterdays.  I like to refer to the four C's in diamonds as an amazing tool to inspire you to shine bright and increase your value.

The four C's for diamonds are :                                          The four C's in life are:
(These add or distract the value of diamonds )                    (These add or distract the value of life)
Carat Weight- metric carats                                               Character weight- what makes up your character
Color -clear to brown                                                        Color-how bright do you want to shine
Cut-well cut shimmers with light                                         Cut-what will you do to be collect and reflect 
Clarity - flawless are more valuable                                    Clarity-what do you really want

Just for a moment think of yourself as a jeweler contracted by the universe to design the most beautiful diamond . You are holding the most precious stone in the world. You get to determine how big it will be, how clear will it be, how bright do you want it to shine and how much light would you like it to gather and reflect, and then how clear will this diamond have to be to be the best in the world???

Now replace the word diamond with the word you. 

Just for a moment think of yourself as a developer contracted by the universe to design the the most beautiful you.  You are holding the most precious life in the world. You get to determine how big it will be, how clear will you be, how bright do you want you to shine and how much light would you like to gather and reflect, and then how clear will you have to be to be the best in the world????

You commitment to constant clarity will move you from being a lump of coal to a brilliant diamond. Only you decide which one you will be. Hypnotize yourself to get clear today in all areas of you life what it is you chose to be. Ask yourself where you need to get more clear?

Affirmation: I create my life with a commitment to constant clarity

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it
Hugs, Kisses, Love and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach
Amy Emme

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Hypnosis Behind - You Being the Creator

What if you knew how to use the creation power of the universe? What if you could create anything you wanted? The perfect life, partner, health, wealth, family, career.... have it all, be it all? What would you create if you were guaranteed to succeed? Would you take the time to read this blog for the answers???

Imagine for a moment that you are the creator of the universe back at the beginning of time. How would you go about creating? You would definitely want to create something outside of yourself that you could observe. How do you begin? It would have to be in your own image because that is your only reference because nothing else has been created you are your only reference.

In fact if you reflect for a moment our subconscious mind is storing memories based on who we are all the time and creating things in our own image. If we have been hurt by someone with green hair in the past then next person with green hair we meet, will be created in our mind as a warning sign for hurt. That is unless we have learned though training to expand our mind to be open to all experiences as if for the first time. That is the power of creation with hypnosis. With hypnosis we are overriding our images of ourselves in the past, with new stories in the present, allowing ourselves to create from a clean slate based in possibility and purpose. 

Most of my clients come to be so filled with 98% of their mind based on other people's stories that they are just running on a program instead of being creators. Consider for a moment that you are pure and you have within your unlimited potential to create in whatever way you choose. I invite you to remain open to the possibility of you being bigger than you have ever imagined. By seeing yourself in this way, we expand our perception of life itself.

Be aware of how our beliefs can filter our experiences and challenge yourself to ask, where the belief of not being able to create is coming from. Do you hear a parents voice, perhaps a teacher, friend, coworker or boss-- where is this voice of impossible coming from? Where is the block coming from that will even allow you to dream and set down goals for yourself ? Is it the voice of a past dream gone by you feel you failed at? Remember the person reading this blog now is not the person who you were back then. 

I am now hiring you for the job of creating you. Who are you? Who do you wish to become? Truly from your heart, your joy, your pureness void of anyone else's stuff- ask yourself, who are you and what do you want to create moving forward?  Hypnotize yourself to create your attitude moving forward to be one of creation from your special giftings. Enjoy!

Affirmation: I know I am the creator of my life

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it
Hugs, Kisses, Love and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach
Amy Emme

Monday, January 9, 2012

The Hypnosis Behind - Promotions

Have you ever been passed up for promotion when the person who got the job was not nearly as qualified as you? Have you ever wanted a promotion and been to afraid to ask? Do you know you deserve a promotion beyond a shadow of a doubt? If so read on.....

One day, a client came to see me who was deeply upset by her challenges she had working with her boss. Kelly had been with her company years without receiving a promotion or any recognition at all. She showed me her sales figures and how much higher they were than other people in her company. She believed she was not getting the promotion because her boss was threatened by her and did not like her. Kelly claimed she was ridiculed and belittled by her boss in front of people all the time.  

I recommended to Kelly that we are always responsible for how we allow others to make us feel. Her belief in her boss and how she treated her was Kelly's projection of her own beliefs about herself and that her opinion of who her boss was (mean, insecure, threatened) was really her subconscious belief about herself and therefore, she reacted different to her boss than other people. We worked together to make a list of characteristic traits of her boss, and the negative beliefs Kelly had. We then turned them into positives and things she wished for in a boss and to believe them as if they were true. I also had Kelly look in the mirror and start to affirm who she really was even if at first she didn't believe it. I made her say it over and over again and again anyway. I also made her visualize before she went to bed at night her boss complimenting her and offering her a promotion. 

Her affirmation was something like this:

I wish kindness on my boss and my boss only sees the best in me. She wants to promote me and sees my value. I am responsible for what I think about my boss and my surroundings and I chose to believe all things are for my greatest life. 

A few months after saying this and practicing these things Kelly not only began to get recognized, she did get that promotion. So if you want a promotion think of all the negatives why you believe you are not getting one, and then turn that list into a positive one.  Focus on it every day and night hypnotizing yourself to see the outcome you wish before you go to bed. Your boss will respond accordingly and so will your paycheck.

Affirmation: My boss appreciates me and I know they want what is best for me always

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it
Hugs, Kisses, Love and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach
Amy Emme

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Hypnosis Behind-Good Night

What is your Good Night routine? How do you tuck yourself in and prepare for your body to rejuvenate? How do you care for yourself after the day of activities and creation? What are the last thoughts that go through your mind before you drift off? Are they creative or destructive, positive or negative, empowering or dis-empowering, fearful or loving? Or are you even aware?

After just tucking my kids in I began to fill with love as I thought about how blessed I am to get to share in their lives. I grew up living with my great grandma(granny), in fact, I shared a bed with her and we used to say our prayers every night. I can still say every word. Now even though, more than half the people we used to bless then are no longer with us, what a gift.  I didn't quite get the value back then, I now realize how that put me off into a loving state of gratitude before drifting off to sleep. It actually hypnotized me and helped me to think of all of my blessings and all the people I got to love and be loved by.

I encourage all of my clients to journal, and depending on what each one is working through at the time our focus differs slightly. I want to share one thing though that works amazingly well.  Focus on the good things in your life right now. Make a list of all the people, pets, things you enjoy, and all the good things working in your body. Make it a nightly ritual if you have kids or loved ones at home, to whisper how amazing they are in their ears after they are asleep (the subconscious receives it even when sleeping). Be clear on what the last thing is you put in your mind before you drift off, and and above all else be loving and positive. This is the longest period of time you mind has to work on those thoughts uninterrupted. This is the best time for reprogramming. Hypnotize yourself at  the end of each day making it special and memorable drifting off in gratitude. Journaling is a great way to help focus the mind and wind the body down and come up with an affirmation before sleep. Most of all enjoy loving you. Self hypnosis is so powerful. 

Affirmation: I allow myself a good night as I drift off to sleep feeling loved

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it
Hugs, Kisses, Love and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach
Amy Emme

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Hypnosis Behind-Negotiation

You can negotiate almost anything . Do you know how to get what you want? Do you know how to hypnotize someone else into seeing the outcome you desire?  The world is a huge negotiation table,  like it our not, we are all negotiators that use hypnosis on one level or another. How well you learn to hypnotize yourself will determine how well you handle your daily relationships, in either business or personal affairs, and how well you develop your negotiation skills will determine how well you will achieve the results you desire.

We hypnotize ourselves everyday to want things. This is a good thing, whether it is money, family, fame, love, material things, awards, acknowledgement, health, or safety we all have wants. These things keep our mind moving and our spirits growing. We just need to get clear on what we really want then the rest becomes fun.

When I speak of negotiation, I am referring to the use of information and power to affect behavior within different relationships to get what you want. Parents have you ever had to remove your child with power into a safe environment because they wouldn't listen to you when you told them not to go there? You knew you wanted your child safe beyond a doubt and you took whatever means necessary to protect them. Spouses, have you ever had to occasionally take a stand with one another to highlight an unconscious behavior or set up a new boundary as you grow, and how about bosses with employees when highlighting expectations and employees when highlighting your contributions?  Everyday in every relationship we dance through a series of negotiations. 

Always consider these three things when determining what you want 
1. Time frame you are working with
2. Power required to reach your desire (mentally and physically)
3. Information the other side has of you and you of them in relation to where you are wishing to go

Let's just use an example when can all relate to:
I picked the above picture in the hopes that it would get attention and call you in to read this.  For the sake of this lesson let's pretend they are married.  I believe all relationships are win win because, we are always learning about ourselves even if we aren't getting our desired outcome. First, what INFORMATION does this woman know about this man? She knows it's five o'clock and he has a meeting at seven with business partners, so she is now determining what she wants. She knows she would love a back rub, however in the past she has asked and he has said he didn't have time. Now she must be careful not to let her past experience determine the current moment. She must step into her POWER by hypnotizing herself to go to a new place of using her voice and asking for exactly what she wants. Her ultimate desire is to have a back rub so she must ask for it. Time is two hours according the the information he provided- or is it? If a back rub is really what she wants she may ask something like this- Would you prefer to give me a back rub before, or after your meeting. This way she is negotiating what she wants in a TIME that will work for both of them.This is a loving question that allows him a choice that results in her desired outcome. This is a win win negotiation :). Enjoy having some fun learning to hypnotize yourself to overcome your fears and beliefs around negotiating and start seeing how powerful you really are.

Affirmation: I am an excellent negotiator 


Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it
Hugs, Kisses, Love and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach
Amy Emme

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Hypnosis Behind Serving our Country

I'm in my hotel room right now with my sisters as we prepare for our grandfathers funeral today.  It was his request that he be buried at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery and upon reflection, we realized that our dad and grandpas on both sides had all served in different wars. We suddenly felt a wave of gratitude and sense of honor that they were brave and did what they felt they could do to help at a time when called.

I always get a sense of gratitude when I see our soldiers and their conviction to make the world a better place. There is a power when a group of people get together for a common cause and purpose. Although, all the men in our family were drafted, the relationships they established during the common purpose were life lasting.

Have you thought about how you are serving a cause? Where is your conviction level to service? Even when you are selected to serve in something you may not believe in how much dedication are you able to give to make a difference in whatever you are doing? Hypnotize yourself to realize, everywhere you are called to serve in each and every moment, it is the perfect opportunity for your growth.

I read my grandpa's journal and even though every other page he would say I wish the war would end I miss home, he did his time and served with all he had. When I asked him what war was like he said, "Amy, war is no good however, the men and women who served were great"!

Sometimes, we have to do things at the time, that seem horrible, uncomfortable, and that we don't want to do (like go to funerals for me). However, if we hypnotize our mind to trust in the truth that wherever we are called to serve, it is always for our greatest good, then we are able to serve with conviction and purpose. I encourage you to take this attitude in all you are serving today and beyond, then, focus your power on being grateful and finding the lessons in what you are being called to do. There are always good things for you even in something as horrible as war.

Affirmation: I serve in every moment with gratitude knowing the blessings are for my growth


Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it
Hugs, Kisses, Love and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach
Amy Emme

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Hypnosis Behind Compassion

Do you have compassion? Have you said to yourself COME PASSION??? Are you brave enough to stay connected to feel passionate and engage in the human beauty and spirit of yourself and those around you? Or have you hypnotized yourself to become numb so you no longer have passion for fear of getting hurt? Which hypnotic path do you choose?

Today I'd like to invite you to be hypnotized by me. You are a deeply compassionate being. You will now become brave and allow the light of your goodness to shine on the world. You choose, now to accept care and to give care and you are loved and immensely lovable.

True compassion starts with you, gently, lovingly and unconditionally accepting yourself just as you are in all your perfection and greatness. Love you over and over again until you smile at the magnificence of you. Let go of the past and celebrate the person you have become. Invite passion back into your life in all areas and let your heart pour forth what it is designed to! You are powerful and capable of making this choice; allow this to become your running thought all day in every situation. Today Declare- COME PASSION BACK INTO MY LIFE I choose to truly feel, see, and live, from a place of compassion.

Affirmation: I choose to be compassionate and loving with myself and others

“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.”

 Dalai Lama


Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it
Hugs, Kisses, Love and Positive Wishes,

Your Performance Hypnocoach

Amy Emme

Monday, January 2, 2012

The Hypnosis Behind - Appreciating Today NOW!!

What did you choose not to do today that would bring you joy because you though you "SHOULD" do something that didn't bring you any joy for someone else in hopes you would somehow be more loved? What did you forsake yourself saying I will do it tomorrow? What if tomorrow never comes?

WAKE UP! My beautiful grandfather Edward Emme, my father's father, passed away New Years Eve and the one thing that keeps going through my mind when I ask, Why did this happen for me? What is my learning from it? The one answer I keep getting is NOW is the time. NOW is your moment TODAY NOW!
Each breath is precious and each moment we only have once and if there if one thing that allows me to hypnotize myself more than any other is to remember my dad died at 55 driving his car and now grandpa at home and each death is really my gift to be thankful for the time I did have with them. Each passing is an opportunity to remember the message to focus on what do I choose to see, be, do and allow in my experience to help me achieve all of my dreams. To live while I am able,  to really live!

I am grateful they gifted me perspectives and life and in honor of them I choose to live TODAY NOW! Each morning as you sip your cup of coffee, tea, milk each step please remember this is your gift TODAY NOW! Your life is your gift and what are you choosing to do with it? The people in your life are your gifts so hypnotize yourself NOW and role model what it means to choose today those things that move you in the direction of your dreams!

Affirmation: I CHOOSE TODAY NOW!!!

Rest in Peace Grandpa Ed and thank you for the life you did give us. Give dad a hug and have some fun you guys will always be loved and missed.
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it
Hugs, Kisses, Love and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach
Amy Emme 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Thy Hypnosis Behind- "The New Year"

Yea it is here... The NEW YEAR..... 

I want you to really reflect, on what it is you have said you are going to do this year that is just a repeat of what you said you were going to do last year, and the year before and possibly the year before that. You see we have all been hypnotized to start over at the beginning of the year as if it will be better than last year. I'm here to tell you it won't, that is of course if you are not choosing to be better than last year. 

I'm not sure who said that, "doing the same thing and expecting different results is the definition of insanity", however, I like it and want to add also thinking the same thing and expecting different results is insane too. In my practice and lectures I come across so many people with goals and dreams wondering why they never achieve them. The first thing we cover is who they are when they are setting them. I know you will  never achieve them if you lack and understanding of what you are thinking in the first place. There is a magical time to start hypnotizing yourself to create your goals and dreams and it is right now. Now is the time to get into a constant state of hypnosis where you are dedicated to focused concentration and a constant commitment to clarity. 

Today is the first day of 2012 and my New Years wish for all of you is that you hypnotize yourself to realize   YOU ARE BORN VALUABLE.(as one of my favorite coaches Amie Grenier so beautifully says). That each day is your New Year to get so crystal clear on what you want to achieve in each moment. Make each thought count and be kind to yourself as you are learning to focus on what you want and where you are going. I know this is a new practice for many of  you so be loving to yourself in the process.  Also, per the request of some of my favorite friends and clients I am going to be here 5 days a week now sending you these short blogs to lay such deep neural pathways in your mind that your foundational thought is going to be I AM VALUABLE!  All things you choose to create moving forward will now be build with solid value. My commitment to you is to supply you with the awareness you need to  hypnotize your mind with such powerful suggestions, that each day will be your Happy New Creation Moment and you will have much to celebrate! Your self hypnosis lesson begins by thinking, saying, seeing and feeling over and over again:

Affirmation: I AM VALUABLE!!!

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it
Hugs, Kisses, Love and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach
Dr. Amy Emme