Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I give myself permission to be all that I can be!

Today I find myself so inspired to write about this topic because I want more :)!  I want more for my life and for your life! The challenge I have had in the past with having a dream is that I found myself putting up blocks of not being good enough, what will people think of me and  feeling overwhelmed by not knowing where to start or how to start?!?!

Then a great friend of mine who is a life coach challenged me to start living from the space of what I want. She showed me how I was living my life out of guilt, should and fears. Just to give you an example of  how controlled I was by the guilt I had even given the dogs control over me! (THE DOGS??) It looked something like this,.....

I am so tired I have worked nonstop since 5am and I only got 3 hours of sleep ohhh please don't look at me, please don't bark when I walk past the door, I will get to you later I just really have to get this work done.  It's now 11:00 p.m. and  I "SHOULD" walk them, I feel guilty I was so busy today I didn't have time for them so even though I am past exhausted I "SHOULD" take them for a walk. Important to note, it wasn't because I wanted to, it was because I "SHOULD" because that is what "good" dog owner does. It translated into, I "SHOULD" do the dishes right now because my husband likes a tidy house and that is what a "good" wife does. I "SHOULD" make homemade meals for my family because that is what a "good" mom does! See where I am going with this and the energy behind it??? This is no way to live! All this "shoulding" was the obstacle in the way of me and my dreams of being all I can be.

Dreams are created and built from a totally different energy. Dreams are made from a desire and a want to space that is originated in love and permission to be all I can. Dreams are from a place of power and choice. Dreams come from a purpose and plan that seeks to serve the dreamer from their highest self, for their highest self, for the greatest service of ALL!! It is a space of joy and hope. It is the Dream that gets you singing out of bed and keeps you skipping the whole day. Dreams are the possibility that what you do for you and others matters and it will grow into your legacy.

So now I am living my dream and the simple transition was me saying and asking these things:

1. Do I give myself permission to be all that I can be? YES I give myself permission to be all that I can be.

2. Am I choosing the life I desire to create and if so where am I creating from? Where is this coming from guilt or love?

When I can answer I am choosing from love for me, it translates naturally into love for everyone else. When I am being all I can be in love then I am living my dream! So I challenge you to become aware of where you are operating from and give yourself permission to be all that you can be! My gift to you, is that now you have the awareness that from this moment forward, in all your choices to create the life of your dreams, you can now choose from love!

You can do it! Choose Love!!!

Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Each Breath is a Second Chance

I love my life!

I got the idea for this blog from a friend of mine who in a message wrote me this part of a song Each Breath is a Second Chance and it inspired me.

Isn't is so true!?!?! Isn't each breath a second chance- what a profound statement! WOW! What wisdom and thank God for that. In our life we engage in relationships all the time and I have become an expert at realizing the most important relationship is the one we have with ourself ! This relationship above all else will determine almost everything else in our life. The level of success we experience with knowing ourself ,will ultimately determine our success with our health, wealth and other relationships.

However, with that being said the best way to learn about how great or horrible you are to yourself is almost always learned quickest by learning through your relationships with others. To have a great relationship with yourself, you have to be able to learn from anyone. Imagine all the people of the world standing around with mirrors holding them up to you as you engage with them so you can see yourself and what you are projecting.

Just for a moment, I would like you to imagine that wherever you are for the next 24hours, every conversation you have, every kind thing you say or mean thing you say is reflected back at you through the mirror the other person is holding-they my friends are just a mirror stand. Now how do you feel with what you are sending into the world? Remember it starts in your thoughts then comes through your mouth then ripples across the world. So in this moment I gift you a new awareness, one of mirrors looking back. Do you like what is coming back at you? Do you like what you see and feel? Whatever the answer is, remember each breath is a second chance for you, so choose your next breath to be one of love :) it may be your last.

Hugs, Kisses, Love and Positive Wishes

Friday, August 27, 2010


Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat! ~Mother Theresa

What did she mean by this? In my interpretation we must see those who cannot see themselves, hear those who cannot cry out, be a voice for those who cannot speak! Give hope to the hopeless and a chance to those who have been written off. There are so many ways to starve the spirit and to turn our backs on our fellow humans.

How about turning our back on ourself?!?!?


There comes a time in life when we must make that choice- the choice to rise up or slowly die. There comes a time in life when you say and declare to the world you matter!

Is today your day?

Is this your moment?

Do you matter enough and have the strength to choose to start living or are you at the point in your life where you are just too beat up? Are you having trouble seeing yourself much less calling out for help? Wherever you are on that spectrum here is your start, you found this blog because you called it to you.

Let me be the first to tell you, you are not alone most importantly you matter! You matter so much and are so powerful that just in your smile alone you hold the power to change the world.

So you have taken the first step, from this day foward I am going to be giving you tips to awaken your spirit and guide you in the direction your spirit is calling for so you can live a life you dream of.

I remember when I was on the shower floor crying to die I was mad when the morning came because the pain was just too great. I was all alone (or so I though) and weak, I was that person! I was invisible and had no voice I just wished for someone to feed me..... guess what they showed up and my life has never been the same! Let me be that person for you! Together we can do this are you ready to say to the world I MATTER! not only say it, scream, and declare I MATTER!

This is your moment!!! My commitment to me and you is to start writing and step by step I will share all the life lessons from me, my friends and acquaintences, coaching and hypnosis processes in my tool box that helped me to help you!

Because you are my friend now and you will not go hungry! We were destined to come together for the benefit of us both and for the world!

Until later,

Hugs, Kisses, Love & Positive Wishes!!