Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind... Youthfulness and Vigor

The Hypnosis Behind... Youthfulness and Vigor

Imagine a picture of the fountain of youth. Stretching into possibilities of any age. Last week at the clinic I had the most amazing day. After this day,  I took a few days of meditation to really absorb the miracle presented before me. I got to witness an amazing client who is one of my heroes, she was struck with a brain aneurysm at 18 and almost died. She was in a coma and when she finally became conscious she had to relearn everything from swallowing to walking and talking. I know amazing right. Well later that afternoon a woman with Alzheimers came in and I felt like I was on 50 first dates with her. To keep her comfortable we must have sung Jiggle Bells  over and over again (what felt like at least 30 times :). She would forget as soon as we sang and smile at me say Merry Christmas and we would start again. I was laughing and singing Jingle bells in June and discovering the joy in it.

How does all this have to relate with the fountain of  youth? I realized you can have a body that doesn't work with your brain and you can have a brain that doesn't work with your body and you can still remain young. The youth comes from believing in the possibilities and finding the joy in the small moments.It truly is where you turn back the clock and where time stands still.  I realize this is what keeps people young! It is their beautiful mindset of choosing happiness. They are in a habit of being happy! Do this for the next week start your day by saying "I choose happiness today" Make it an effort to see, be, do and feel happy and make those around you wonder why they can't get you down. Happiness is a choice and it keeps you young! You have all you need right now to be happy it is not something you will achieve once you have something else. Choose to be happy, choose to practice the habit of it and watch what happens. Take your control back and you will rediscover your youth!

Hypnosis gets results!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Dr. Amy Emme

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind...Getting out of your own way!

The Hypnosis Behind...Getting out of your own way!

Hold Fast to your dreams, for if dreams die, life is like a broken winged bird that cannot fly.
~ Lanston Hughes

 How do you feel today? Do you feel like you are a volcano ready to erupt? Are you mad at the world and so pissed off that you are not feeling like being around anyone? Doesn't it just piss you off how it seems everyone is getting in the way of you reaching your dreams? Are you misunderstood? If only the kids wouldn't fight so I could have some peace and get my book written. If only my spouse could help more around here. If only my my boss would quit dumping more and more on me while he takes vacation. If only I was seen and heard. If only, If only, If only.....

Here is the truth, the only if only question you need to be asking is if only I could get off my butt and make a stand that I matter what would my life look like. IF ONLY you actually gave yourself some time to get clear and write down something you want to do, some of your dreams, and honor yourself by sticking to it. That's right if only you would hypnotize yourself that the only thing you need to get really get it, is that you matter and how you choose to create your life matters too!

Ask yourself... when was the last time you took yourself out on a date and in that quiet still moment gave yourself time to create what it is you want moving forward? What is it you admire and and what characteristics in yourself would you like to lead with? If you can't move on a project you are involved in get a new project one that supports you in the direction of your dreams,  using your skills, voice, and power. There is always an opportunity to be the best you.  Just select environments conducive to your growth and expression. We all have different gifts and it is time you get clear on what yours are and do something where you can use them. The result in not doing so is a slow painful death.

If you have taken on the belief system you are somehow less then important compared to someone else, STOP RIGHT NOW! Everyone on a team matters and a great team realizes that, a family team or corporate team, so make sure you are playing for team I MATTER and hypnotize yourself that nothing else will work!

Take the action step today to make that date with yourself, create that quiet time to create what is it you want moving forward. Establish your boundaries so you can clearly communicate them with all your relationships and start sticking up for and loving you! If you need help getting unstuck reach out and get it done! Most important though is just get started!

Hypnosis gets results!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Amy Emme

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind..... Living Your Dream in a Marriage.

The Hypnosis Behind..... Living Your Dream in a Marriage.

Perhaps you are scared, pissed, feeling hopeless, feeling like the person you married isn't at all the person they claimed to be. Maybe you feel trapped definitely misunderstood, not heard, or supported and your intimate life, forget it, you don't want to touch or be touched you are completely shut down. You don't know even how to get up much less look up for a brighter future. You think things would be so much easier if you just had to worry about you because the hope that they will do what they say and you believing them only to be let down again is so much more painful than just being alone and knowing it's up to you.  Or perhaps you believe someone else would understand that knight in shining armor that man and for the man that beautiful woman who will help you be all you know you were destined to. Yea, that's right that person you thought you were marrying. That person you thought you signed up for when you said your vows or maybe even the legal paper at the court house! Well.... here is the truth! Ready....

That is the hypnosis, you are living in a fantasy world. You hypnotized yourself when you fell in love with the idea you had of a person. You didn't fall in love with the person for who they were. When you are in love everything is beautiful your brainwash yourself and you see only the good because you are feeling good. That's right you see what you choose to see based on how you are feeling in a moment! If you are feeling bad you see all the horrible things, if you are feeling great, you love more. The key is, the person never changes only your perception of them does. That is why I had you write the list of things you couldn't stand and things you love.

Here we go an example from some of my clients:

+/-   Statements, Hidden Truths, Projections = What the real belief system is the real truth

I can't stand how my husband is unorganized = I feel out of control when I am unorganized
I can't stand it when my wife loses it              = I don't like how I feel about myself when I lose it
I love how my husband is great with the kids = I feel good about me when I am great with the kids

See what we see in others or can't stand is really what is going on for us it is called a projection. We see the world based on how we have perceived information as we learn it. The first step to learning how to live your dream is to realize your spouse is who they really are you just didn't see them for that.  The truth is, you saw them and see them as a projection of your ideas. It is time to get clear now and look at yourself and recheck your list and put yourself in every line and acknowledge where you are loving,  or are not loving you.  This is the first major step to your awareness and new life! Hypnotize yourself to focus on the good in you. Luvu you for being brave and wanting more! Hug yourself and we shall continue tomorrow!

Hypnosis gets results!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Amy Emme

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The hypnosis behind...,Living your dream in a marriage

The hypnosis behind Living your dream in a marriage

The hypnosis behind.....Living your dream in a marriage

It's all about you all ways!!~ Amy Emme

Ok your assignment for last week was to write down all the things you can't stand about your partner!  Write down all the things you thought were crazy about them... every little thing that drives you nuts!

Now to continue this in the direction of progress wrote gown every little thing you love about them and I will show you how it all come together in the following blog!!! You are doing great acknowledge yourself for wanting more that's a great thing!!

Hypnosis gets results!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Amy Emme

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The hypnosis behind... Honesty

The hypnosis behind... Honesty
Keep your word!!

That's all I have to say today
Luvu Amy

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind.....Waking UP!

The Hypnosis Behind... Waking UP!

"Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye..." ~Corinthians 15:15

The challenge many of my clients face is believing that waking up has to be hard. Change is happening everyday and the problem is most people are looking for others to change, meanwhile living in the blame game.
I want to let you in on a secret,  in order for others to change we have to change.

Let's begin the waking up process. First good morning let's hypnotize you into ultimate focus.  Get crystal clear on what you want and why you want it. If it's money you want how much and why do you want it. If you had all the money you needed what would you do with it? This is just one example. You can use time, health, anything you think you want more of and ask why do I want this and what will this do to improve my life!?!?! Feel yourself feel again or maybe for the first time!

After you have done this build a dream-board and put visual pictures to this! I love using www.dreampathfinder.com it makes it so easy and if you have never built one before then there are videos to help you understand how.

 The more you get clear on what  you want and why you want it, the quicker you will be to waking up to the possibilities-- and life becomes so much more alive.

Enjoy being hypnotized to waking up!

Hypnosis gets results!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Amy Emme

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Hypnosis behind.... Life

The Hypnosis behind.... Life

Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

~ Dale E. Turner
I am often asked, "Amy, how do you stay so positive?" and I always respond it is a choice to never ending constant improvement. It has been my life long dedication to getting the most out of life and all it has to offer. It has been a journey for me and I am getting better at it. I am quicker at my recovery time from perceived trauma and pains. Let me share with you my personal system quick and easy and always a winner.
As you know I was a National Archery Coach and love to shoot a bow so this came naturally to me. If you think of yourself as an archer in search of a target and the ultimate is to hit the bulls eye :)
Find it: What is the problem (where is your target)
Focus: on the solution/possibilities (get in line with the bulls eye)
Follow through: with the action steps towards the dream (bulls eye!)
You can get yourself out of any negative mood remembering this quick hypnosis reframe.
Remember to Breathe and Smile and the way will be made always when you hypnotize yourself in possibilities instead of problems :) There are always possibilities to make your dreams come true!

Hypnosis gets results!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Amy Emme


Monday, June 13, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind...Family Fun

The Hypnosis Behind.... Family Fun

The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life.

- Richard Bach

 Are you currently respecting each other and having joy in each other's life? If yes great for you and you can stop reading. This article is for those for those of you who would like respect and joy to reappear or appear for the first time in your family!

In your family you can have respect and joy and anything else you wish once you learn it all starts with you. It means however you must take totally responsibility for how you have been training those in your family how you want to be treated. By changing how you treat yourself, your alter the most important element of the entire equation.

I know you thinking Amy, I'm perfect. Well,  that is ok you have had many years getting to perfect and if you are ready to reach all the other levels of your life, let's start with beyond perfect. You action step until we meet again is to make a list of all the things you would like to do for yourself that you aren't currently doing.

I would like to have 30 mins a day of me time.
I would like to exercise everyday.
I would like to be talked to in a kind voice by my children.
 Just to name a few....

Do you want a family that respects each other and experiences joy in each other's life? If so then;

Until next Friday, start your list and then I will follow up with next steps to of the hypnosis behind family fun!!

Hypnosis gets results!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Amy Emme

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind... Living Your Dream In A Marriage

The Hypnosis Behind... Living Your Dream In a Marriage.

It is possible to be hypnotized to have it all! ~ Amy Emme

It is a this and that world, not a this or that world.  I hope this dialog stimulates some conversation. It is my clear intention that shift will happen when you read this. I am dedicating Thursdays to couples who what to be hypnotized to live their dream lives!

Let's begin are you in a great relationship right now where both you and your partner are living your dreams lives?? Or are you in a relationship where you are sacrificing your dreams, putting them on hold while your partner pursues theirs and after they reach their dream then you believe it is your turn to begin your dream life? If this is the case please read on!

In either situation I want to hear from you. I hypnotize couples all the time who want more and these couples range from dreading when the partner comes home to couples who dream of the partner walking through the door so they can plan their next dream together moving forward. Hypnosis is the key. Understanding the way your mind works and the way your partner understands things is the key to your dreams.

Like I said this is a hypnosis process and it is a this and that world. With that said I am going to give you a series of hypnotic steps over the next few weeks to help you and your partner. Whether you start secretly with you alone or you start together your partner will take notice and want to know what you are up to because they will notice the change in you. You will be happier because you will be on purpose :)!

Let's look at marriage for a moment. States require a test to pass to get a drivers license and yet to join you life with someone else and raise a family they give you no classes or tests. Usually your examples where you learned about marriage are not healthy either. You have been hypnotized by your parents or other married couples and you both have your own beliefs about what marriage is coming into it- do you really know what your partner believes? I am guessing not!

Ok your assignment for this first week is to write down all the things you can't stand about your partner!  Write down all the things you think are crazy about them... every little thing that drives you nuts!
How you hate it when they leave the toilet seat up or down. How they don't do anything. How they quit charming you and let themselves go. How they never notice all you do etc. You know better what you can't stand about them. I mean make the longest list about all the things they say do and believe that drive you crazy!

Great Start let's continue next Thursday- you have begun to get hypnotized!

Are you ready to live your dream life while being Married????

Hypnosis gets results!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Amy Emme

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The hypnosis behind..... til death do us part and achieving your dreams!

The Hypnosis behind..... til death do us part and achieving your dreams!

In response to a quote I posted on Facebook,

Quit making excuses. What we’re really talking about here is commitment. Until you make a commitment to your dream, it’s not a commitment at all. It’s just another fantasy. And fantasies don’t come true because they’re not real, we’re not committed to them. When we make commitments, they become dreams. And dreams are very real.

~ Rudy Ruettiger

It was desired by my beautiful friend Rick's Loft on Facebook if  he could see a statistic on:
A. Singles who live dreams

B. Married spouses living dreams

C. Married couples living dreams

Just curious what I'm up against. Cuz when your married, if your spouse is not on board with your dream, then what? Does Divorce rate have anything to do with Dream fulfillment rate?
Well, I don't have actual statistical numbers so I can only speak from hypnosis experience therefore, 
hypnotically speaking let's talk about these one at a time :)!

A. Singles who live dreams

 It seems to me we always want what we don't have. The beauty about mastering hypnosis is that you can already tap into the feeling of what it is you choose to have, be and do! Seriously, clients I work with who are single usually have the DREAM Partner as their first dream. Most people usually want someone to share all their good experiences with. They want to share their joys and frustrations,  because at the end of the day even though the journey is between them and God, they honestly still feel so much better having someone to share with.  

With that said I have so many beautiful friends.  All of which I share different things with. I know we have friends for reasons, seasons and lifetimes and so we are always abundantly blessed with people to hold mirrors for us! We all have different people to help us achieve our dreams. We are truly always single anything else I believe is an illusion! We can never force anyone ever to see the world they way we perceive it. Impossible totally!! ( Ok I see a blog dedicated totally to this!)
B/C. Married Spouses/ Married Couples Living dreams
Well Rick, I honestly have to say just the word Married throws me for a loop ( again another complete blog and that is why I am currently coauthoring a book totally dedicated to this subject- Before you say I do say I am!)

And to answer the question....
Married in this sense means til death do us part??? wow you have hit some of my magical buttons today that's why it is 9:53 and I am getting this blog out b/c all day I thought how do I answer this shortly when it is a HUGE subject! I feel an energy around not being able to fulfill dreams when in a committed relationship because there may be part of a person who is married feeling like they had to sacrifice their dreams for the sake of their partner/family, dog etc! LET ME SAY NOOOO!!! DON"T DO IT! EVER!! WILL ALWAYS RESULT IN RESENTMENT, SADNESS, and ANGER!! in some form or another! Pay Attention:  Divorce rate absolutely has to do with dream fulfillment rate 100%!!
You can have your dream partner and dream life and it definitely will take some serious hypnosis help! Lots of re framing and huge communication skills to make it all happen! Yes you can have it all and yes it will require all involved to grow into evolved beings :)! What dream shall we start with and I will use all the hypnosis tools I have to help show you how!
Write back to me with a specific dream you wish to start with.  If you are willing to do the work and be the volunteer to help others we can do this my friend Rick. (or whoever else is brave!)

 Be Brave ask me your questions regarding one dream and we'll bring it to reality! LUVU!

Hypnosis gets results!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Amy Emme


Monday, June 6, 2011

The Hypnosis behind... How to Creating A GREAT TEAM!

Wouldn't you like to understand how to create a great team around you all the time? If you answer yes then read on...

This is to all my beautiful friends who dare to hypnotize themselves to be outside the box and brave into the world of leading and working with exceptional teams.

One of the greatest challenges when creating an amazing team is really getting clear on who you need and what you need them to do. This is a step that cannot be skipped if you want amazing results. What I find in most situations where I am hired to consult for corporations, most teams are built out of desperation vs. preparation. Let me hypnotize you to think like a gold medalist preparing for the Olympics to help you understand what I mean.

If we were creating a 400 meter sprint team, we would first want people that could run fast, then teammates who were dedicated to training and understood the level of commitment it takes to be the best in the world. We want individuals, who as athletes, are just as dedicated to individually training by eating the right food, feeding their mind mental toughness routines,  training with weights to strengthen them, and then running to perfect their form, to be as individually strong as they can before they consider joining the team.  After they COMMIT to the team the next round begins by discovering the strengths and placement- who is the starter who is 2, 3 and 4th position which one is best where. Now as a coach you wouldn’t even consider them for a team if they weren’t ready in all areas because you know your time limit. You have 4 years in between Olympics and you know what it takes to make a winning team.

Hypnotically speaking mindset is key to everything. The willingness and  belief system of each team member is something very crucial to determine when you are building your team in anything! Make sure they want to do this first for the love of it! It is expensive to participate in the Olympics, athletes do it for the love of what it means – the joy in being your best for themselves, their countries and the world. I say when building your team look for those individuals who will do it for those same reasons. They have hypnotized themselves to work in a position that fills what you are looking for as they achieve what they are looking for. If they come for money they will leave for money SIMPLE!

Make a list:

What are the most important characteristics someone in this position will need?

What will they enjoy most about being on this team?

What is the philosophy of your organization and do they believe in it? ( Do you even know it your vision, mission, make sure you are clear first!!)

What are the current strengths and weaknesses of the rest of the team they will be joining?

What is the top priority of a person who accepts the position on this team?

How will they be measured to see if they are improving or being a great team player?

What opportunities do they have for leadership among the team?

Realize that we all depend on each other to make our dreams come true. We must first believe it- what is the dream? Be so clear and specific! As we dream it visualize it! See it ourselves first and the more words and pictures we can use to describe our passion in it the dream to others we can then.....

Plan it- Lay it out so people interested in supporting it will understand and have buy in to the vision and can ask questions and give honest feedback on how and where they can support it! Where do they fit in the team!

Achieve it! Once you know what you want you must take the time to be clear on who you want and how you see them among everyone!

Hypnosis is simply getting in the right frame of mind and staying there from concept of dream to reality as you describe it to those you need to come to gold!

We are sometimes in small teams (like husband and wife) to large teams corporations. It is so important that no matter the size we are so hypnotized to affirm what we want, how we want it so we can recognize it when it shows up! Then once it shows up know how to incorporate it to the GOLD MEDAL level!

Hypnosis gets results!


Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!

Hugs Kisses Love and Positive Wishes,

Your Performance Hypnocoach!

Dr. Amy Emme

Friday, June 3, 2011

The Hypnosis behind.... Complaining!

The Hypnosis behind..... Complaining.

Complaining, I have one major complaint; I least like of all things complaining!! Really when the kids say, "I'm thirsty, I'm Hungry", what are they really saying?

 Let's take a moment to translate;

I'm thirsty = I want a drink
I'm hungry= I want something to drink

We have hypnotized ourselves and those around us to respond by focusing on the things that are not going good in our life. Can you see how at a young age we established negative thought patterns innocently.

I would like to invite you to consider keeping track of how many times you knowingly complain in a day. I believe you may surprise yourself. To achieve a better life we have to learn to ask for what we really want by putting out the least amout of energy especially negative energy. We must hypnotize ourselves to focus on the positive. Nobody likes to be around a complainer so love yourself enough to pay attention. Once you notice you are complaining stop it, think about what you want behind the complaint and ask for it. Be direct with love. It gets you farther in life when you know what you want ask for it and follow through. Hypnotize yourself with positive desires and then see if you can enroll your entire family and coworkers .... you will be an amazing hypnotist and you and the world will benefit! We can do it!

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive wishes!
Your Performance Hypnocoach
Amy Emme

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Hypnosis behind growing.....

The Hypnosis behind growing....

 One of my favorite songs is titled Bloom Where you are Planted! So this thought popped into my head today.

Imagine a sunflower they start from a tiny seed planted in the dirt and with the right conditions and amout of water and sun they grow into a beautiful flower that provides food and beauty for so many to see and enjoy.  However, have you ever noticed that the head of the sunflower follows the sun and when the sun sets their heads drop so they can rejuvinate through the night.

Now, imagine you are a sunflower and as you grow your roots expand to the extend you need to support your head. The roots are like your knowledge base and network you need to make your dreams come true because nobody makes their dream come true alone. Wherever you are planted as your roots take form they are always underground first where nobody sees the brilliant growth you can only you feel it! Then emerges one day out of the dirt a tiny plant a tiny new you and if you are not protected at first while you are growing by believing strongly you will die at this point. Protect yourself, as you work on your dreams make sure you don't tell anyone about them at first until you believe you can do it so strongly you can say it with conviction otherwise you may not be able to handle the nay sayers :)! Remember to it is important to take times to rejuvinate and store up you energy as they take for in by taking good care of yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically.

 The sunflower has such a strong belief it will grow it just does it is not sure how it just does! So will your dreams.  As you grow you need an area where you can stay in the light and then have periods to rejuvinate! You need to surround yourself with healthy environments and conditions. It may require you to ditch unsupportive people this is where you develop your voice to grow! Remember just as the head of the sunflower is always searching and following the sun it is important for you to hypnoize your mind that you are growing and growing is good! You grow easily and gracefully always facing the light! ALLWAYS!

Then when you have reached your full height and then you grow more seeds, you grow your team you begin to be so beautiful as your dreams take shape all those around you marvel in it and just as the sunflower shares it's beauty with the world so will you!

Finally the sunflower produces many seeds from it's one so will you! Those many seeds provide for many and by you choosing to grow you will provide the motivation, inspiration and dedication seeds that others will be so inspired by you they will have the courage to grow as well! By you being the beautiful person you are decieding you matter, deciding to believe in your dreams and you first, you will provide for more than you will ever know! SO NOW GO GROW!!!!

The hypnosis behind growing is to bloom where you are planted NOW!!

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love and Positive Wishes!
Your Performance Hypnocoach,
Amy Emme

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Hypnosis behind STRESS....

Did you know.......
  • According to the Center for Disease 80% of all money spent on disease in this country is spent on Stress related disorders
  • According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, two-thirds of office visits to family doctors are for stress-related symptoms
  • 89 percent of people said they had experienced serious stress in their lives
  • According to one study, middle-aged men under severe stress who lacked emotional support were five times more likely to die within seven years than those who had the same amount of stress but had close personal ties
  • A recent study indicated that stress-management programs may reduce the risk of heart problems, including heart attack, by up to 75 percent in people with heart disease.
  • Stress-related mental disorders have been called the fastest-growing occupational (work-related) disease in the U.S.
  • Many addictions are linked to a stressful lifestyle, such as overeating, smoking, drinking, and drug abuse.  These are used as a temporary way of "escaping" only to compound the stress later
Much of our stress comes from not understanding the hypnosis of our stories playing over and over again in our minds. Once we learn to observe our thoughts and get in control of the "mind muscle" and focus on what we want we become free and can live life the way it was meant to be lived. Healthy and in joy- this tiny shift in perspective gives us the reason to live.

Stress is created all as a result of unhealthy thought patterns. Did you ever noticed that when your perception of stress increases you begin to blame, ridicule, those more around you??? Do you notice when you feel stressed you get more angry, put down all the things that seem to be contributing to it? Do you notice that you get into a space of everything is happening to you and you are in a place of victim and helplessness????

Well if you want to decrease you Stress levels it requires you to learn how to hypnotize yourself! If you can't make it to my class tomorrow night at :

at 6:00pm


The first thing to do is

(Remember Smokey the Bear, in case of fire stop, drop and roll to put it out) well he is also helpful for managing stress

To eliminate stress remember:
Stop -the story about how this is happening to you and ask why is this happeing for me?
Drop-all the doubts, worries, and fears around not being good enough to conquer any situation
Roll  -like a leader! You are facing the greatest opportunity of your life! A chance to practice you skills of letting things roll off of you and not take them personally! Stand Strong and surround yourself with a great environment and people who support you to be the best you!

Remember you can do this! You Matter!
Dream it, Beleive it, Plan it, Achieve it
Hugs, Kisses, Love and Positive Wishes

Amy Emme

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