Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind... Looking Beyond the Obvious

Are your expectations so full of judgements that your mind goes past the obvious like in this picture? Isn't the obvious here Pizza Hut serves pizza. However, because you have an expectation of what the pizza you want already looks like in a place you already see in your mind you may pass up the outcome you desire, yummy pizza right in front of you? I simple love this picture because many of my clients have this going on.  Pay Attention:


I was working at Christa McAuliffe school in Cape Coral Florida when one of the students said to "Ms. Amy we must learn to think beyond the obvious". WOW!! I thought I wish I had realized this in 3rd grade. What a brilliant thing to say. I was really stunned in this moment it was as if the heavens opened up and sent me an angel.

Imagine this for a moment looking beyond the obvious! If we stick with the pizza for a moment, we know the outcome is you want pizza so you must find a source for pizza. Yet you are driving in circles so emotional that you don't see the sign in front of you and it perpetuates to out of control. Most people don't get their outcomes because they let expectations and emotions get in the way. Now, emotional about pizza you say? I've seen sillier things trust me!

When we are any one of these things we tend to be more emotional. The key statement in looking beyond the obvious is that we must look past the obvious emotion at the time and see what the intelligence is saying . When we are engaged in an argument it is because we haven't noticed the obvious in us. It is our emotions talking not our intelligence and emotions have huge expectations. Ask yourself from now on when you get that urge to argue or get nasty, Say, is it possible Icould be experiencing any of the HALT symptoms?, if you answer is yes to any of the above take responsibility for you.

Hypnotize yourself to be trained to realize when this is occurring for you and find your relief.
 Affirm, when I am hungry, angry, lonely or tired, I know it and take care of myself first before engaging others. In addition to knowing my HALT symptoms, I recognize it in others and have compassion.  I have the ability to look beyond the obvious behavior of others I am in  relationships with to know when their emotions are showing and not their intelligence. I choose to only speak with intelligence.

Another way to think of it is, you wouldn't engage with someone who is totally drunk or on drugs and expect an intelligent response? Of course not, you know you are speaking to the effects of the drug not the intelligence in the person. Emotions have the same effect on the body. Get smart hypnotize yourself to be to know you so well you take control of your emotions and speak from now on, only with your intelligence or keep quiet! It will make your life so enjoyable.

Know what outcome you choose in all situations and be open to how it comes to you. Releasing expectations and emotions allows the true intelligence to create through you. This is me loving you! Now go hypnotize yourself to be aware of your expectations and emotions and let go!

Hypnosis gets results!

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Dr. Amy Emme

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind.... Your Mask

What mask are you choosing to wear today? Who or what are you hiding from? Why are you deciding the authentic beautiful you needs to be covered up? Why have you decided that you want the world to guess who you are instead of announcing it with joy?

Are you afraid of saying you failed in business, financial success, marriage, family, friendship? Are you that guy or that girl? Are you wearing a mask that says look how I have never failed this mask protects me from you. If you see how beautiful my mask is maybe you will want to hang out with me. I'm so afraid of being discovered for fear you will reject me. I have been hiding so long I have hundreds of reasons why I cannot take my mask off.

Never fear, Amy is here, let me give you the big reason why you can remove your mask. First of all let me assure you, everyone knows you are wearing a mask. No matter how well you may have made it, even fit for Hollywood your real you will come out and emerge eventually. Wearing masks takes so much life energy, even the best actors have to stop performing and take breaks. Isn't it time to come out from hiding and let the real you emerge and be proud of who you were. All those "failures" have been the beauty of you. They have all happened in alignment with what you subconscious programs were at that time. Now it is time to put the mask in the closet where it belongs until Halloween and show the beauty of who you choose to be. All those "failures" were learning lessons to hold your hand up to and say, Yes I did this and yes this is how it turned out and to share what you learned. We learn so much more from those times in our life then from the everyday being happy days.

Just think for a moment what was the happiest day of your life and what was the most painful and which one stayed with you longer? Hypnotize yourself to realize that everything in your life has been there to give you the skills and tools to create the new stronger, wiser you. Enjoy the gift of you that sees your perfection, is grateful for all experiences that help you have more compassion and understanding to see the real beauty in others who may be hiding behind masks as well. As you remove your mask, be brave, help those who want it cast their masks aside as well. Embrace the possibilities as you step into the world- time to say goodbye to the mask!

Affirmation: I am more beautiful than any mask!! I choose to go as the authentic me through the rest of my life grateful for all my experiences.

Hypnosis gets results!

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Dr. Amy Emme

The Hypnosis Behind....Allowing

 Have you mastered the art of allowing enough, to believe you deserve the best? Perhaps you choose to paint the canvas black believing you deserve to live in a colorless world because you feeling undeserving.  What does your canvas look like? If you painted you life right now what colors would you use today and what would you create if you were painting your future?

I am inspired to write this tonight because it was a magical day. A hypnocoaches dream. I had clients that were ready to go to the Olympic level in life. Clients ready to paint with all the colors of  possibility, joy, love, empowerment, truth, trust, health and happiness, all around blissful living! I love it when my clients come in and they are suffering from one ailment or another and they allow themselves to be hypnotized and let the love in.  Especially when I get to witness their growth in an hour or less- from when they come in the office with the heavy look on their face, to the lightness and shift when they leave. Life before and life after allowing hypnosis in.

The choice to allow our dreams to take form is a new place for most people. Allowing the mind to go through a guided hypnosis session is something few people have ever experienced.  Until recently with the advancement in cutting edge tools like, Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Scans, where you can actually record actual images of the brain during thought process, it was difficult to explain the difference between imagination and hypnosis. Now using PET scan, it can be proven which areas of the brain are utilized during hypnosis and the actual changes the subject experienced. With hypnosis your mind actually allows you to experience things for the very first time as if it is really happening.  Hypnosis allows you to recreate the past and create a future you be careful what you feel you deserve.

As you decide to paint the canvas of  your dream life, hypnotize yourself to believe you deserve the best and accept only the best now! Allow this to be your base from which all your other colors flow! Enjoy!

Hypnosis gets results!

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Dr. Amy Emme

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind.... Alone Time

Do you ever wish for a blanket to carry around that you could put over your head when you wanted privacy? A signal to the entire world you just need some alone time and you don't want to be bothered. Or, on the other hand does the thought of a cover just scare you to death. The idea of being with yourself, no noise, no friends around, family, or even pets?

Well, to be honest, being an extreme extrovert, I used to freak out at the thought of being alone with myself. My dear friend Kandee G in her book Now Boarding suggests to spend a day with yourself and a journal. I love this about getting to the bottom of the self talk in your mind. I'm going to share a little with you about how my process went.

The very first hour I wanted to cry, the silence was so deafening - I was freaking out. After I cleaned the entire house I had to get out side I was feeling extremely claustrophobic. To alleviate my pain, I decided to take the dogs for a walk. It was a long hour walk, in the rain none the less, and it was so refreshing because it wasn't so quiet. I could feel the energy of the dogs and see people passing by in cars, wave at a few neighbors, and to be totally honest, I even cheated as I encouraged a little girl to jump in a puddle with me. Then it started to get dark, I was soaked, the dogs were soaked, and everyone was in their house so we came home.

Did you ever notice how many noises are in your house? The hums of the refrigerator, A/C, computer, the tea kettle, fans even lights buzz when everything else is still, it felt like in the stillness, time was dragging on. My spirit begged for a movie, a call from friends, and encouraging quick chat on facebook, anything just give  me a connection of any kind my mind kept saying!

Then wow it hit me. Even though I have spent years training my mind I still have been in the habit of diversion. Diversions from getting to know myself in the stillness. I know myself in my dreamboards, affirmations, connections and even daily prayer and meditation. I have conditioned myself for small amounts of time with me,  yet if I really want to get to know me I must go beyond. I must constantly push beyond my comfort zone of constant distraction and go to that place of discipline of wanting to get to know what my mind has been hypnotizing me to believe. I encourage you to do the same. Hypnotize yourself that taking time beyond your comfort zone to get to know you, is an amazing experience and it is needed to cleanse and heal. I only became aware of my disempowering thoughts and beliefs in the uncomfortable stillness beyond my conditioned allotted time. Love you enough to go for that constant and never ending improvement. Relax, sit with yourself and focus on what thoughts are coming up and journal - in the stillness, you get the awareness, to reach the greatness! This is me hypnotizing you to be all you are choosing to be!

Hypnosis gets results!

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Dr. Amy Emme

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind.... Prayer!

Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.
~MATT. 21:22

I read this somewhere once about prayer: To pray is to already have won. I loved it! I believe effective prayer comes in the gratitude of the knowing that we always get our prayers answered. My opinion of prayer is based on what I have witnessed in life with myself, and with that of the many clients, I have used hypnosis on to help them heal. Hypnosis is the key to assist them get their mind healthy so they can be clear on what is they truly want to pray for.

 I wanted to share this story of a Methodist minister from Johannesburg, South Africa who overcame an advanced case of lung cancer. He used this process(almost exactly what I do when facilitating a session):

In his words
Several times a day I would make certain that I was completely relaxed mentally and physically.  I relaxed my body by speaking to it as follows;
"My feet are relaxed, my ankles are relaxed, my legs are relaxed, my abdominal muscles are relaxed, my heart and lungs are relaxed, my head is relaxed, my whole being is completely relaxed."

After about 5 minutes I would find myself drifting into a sleepy, drowsy state.(deep hypnotic trance)  Then I affirmed the following truth: 
 "The perfection of God is now being expressed through me.  The idea of perfect health is now filling my subconscious mind.  The image God has of me is a perfect image, and my subconscious mind recreates my body in perfect accordance with the perfect image held in the mind of GOD."

I just love this story it is such of perfect example of what I experience all the time! It works it works it works- One more verse to leave you with:

Marvelous are they works; and that my soul knoweth right well ~PSALM 139:14

Understanding how to hypnotize yourself will only help you with all you desire to create in your world!

Hypnosis gets results!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Dr. Amy Emme

The Hypnosis Behind...Imagination

"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." -Albert Einstein

Hypnosis is a way to access the power of your own imagination. As the saying goes use it or lose it; so is it with the imagination. Your imagination will become weak through inaction. The good news is I am going to give you some hypnotic tips to help you rediscover and revive you imagination.

Why is this important you ask? Tip #1. It is the starting point of all creation. Center your attention on the idea that everything you see in your home was first part of someone's imagination. How did they know how to make the picture in their head become that vase in the corner of your desk? The screen you are looking at to read this is an improvement on someone, maybe many someone's, ideas that were all born from imagination. The only difference between them and you is they hypnotized themselves into believing they could make their imagination become a reality.

Tip #2. You must recognize how blessed you have been to be born a human! We have the ability to turn our imaginations into concrete ideas that with enough belief behind them can become anything we choose to create. Walt Disney was a great example of how out of no way a way was made. He did it for the love that grew out of his imagination ignoring many people's opinions of him and risking it all for his imaginative drive.

Tip #3. Start Imagining again- bigger than ever before! I want to gift you as you read this some words of encouragement. You too hold that same power as Einstein, Disney, Oprah, and whoever you look up to. I often wish I could tap into people's minds, into that raw fearless place where imagination is allowed to run wild without judgement, and there I wish I could just press a play button and watch the miracles unfold.  What would you allow yourself to imagine if you just let go? Well what are you waiting for? Just do it!
Let go embrace you wild thoughts- be still, then be brave to take some actions on those ideas based on your imagination running through your veins and mind. You are here for a beautiful purpose and you imagination will lead you if you allow it. Just get out of the way, surrender and create today!

Hypnosis gets results!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Dr. Amy Emme

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind.....Silence

What?? How can you be silent? Amy you mean turn my phone off? Miss that important life changing call? Turn the TV off and miss my reality show, hunting, news, drama, the world?? What would I have to talk about with my coworkers and friends tomorrow?  Ok Hypnocoach you really are crazy!!
Well, I know you read my blogs because you are a little crazy too and it's a good thing. You tune in here because you are saying you want more out of life. You are on a path most dare not enter. A path of clarity purpose and true fulfillment. I say to you, it is soooo.... yours for the taking. I say when my dad died the number they put on his death certificate was 55 however he really lived to be 110 or more because he lived with such adventure and spirit he really lived at least 2 lives.  How many are you living? Ask yourself if you are really even living one life or are you just a zombie surviving?

 Napoleon Hill so wonderfully wrote "Whatever THE MIND OF MAN can CONCEIVE and BELIEVE it can ACHIEVE.  Did you get that? Read it again. Now I want you to gift yourself 5 minutes of silence - that's right only 5 minutes LOL and start conceiving! My gift to you right now wherever you are SILENT 5 minutes conceive and in the silence hypnotize yourself to believe anything is possible.

Notice what your mind is saying to you!  Is it supportive in the quiet or does it begin to beat you up? Most of us hide in the noise and we don't get to really hear the programs that are running in our own minds. These are the exact programs that are keeping us small and not allowing us to live life to the fullest, or even begin to live. So I urge you to get to know you,  it all starts by getting so silent you can actually hear what your mind is saying about you. Once you begin to hear what it is saying, you become aware and you can reprogram it. You can hypnotize yourself for the life you really want. 

I say, BE SILENT, so your mind can CONCEIVE (in the positive) and BELIEVE( anything is possible and you deserve the best) and ACHIEVE( what it is that is really in your heart)! Start today, start now and ENJOY THE SILENCE! SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...........

Love you!
Hypnosis gets results!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Dr. Amy Emme

Friday, October 7, 2011

THe Hypnosis Behind.... CHANGE

Have you ever wondered how to make more money than you are now? How about how to attract your perfect partner? What about a fulfilling career? Would you like to be in your healthiest body? If you answered yes to any of these questions read on hypnosis can help.....

Hypnosis is the key to creating change in our lives. If  you want to change anything in your life it is usually one of  two things your behavior in relation to something or your feelings. Think of your mind as a computer for a moment. If you want to change the way your computer is processing data(behavior), you can change the software you are using to get different results. Then if  you want to take it to a whole new level you can change the entire operating system (emotions based on beliefs) and this will allow you to interact in a multitude of ways for different requirements.

Now think of your life the same way. The quickest way to help you act differently and eliminate fears is to change the software :). Right now you are reacting and acting out of control so adopt a new  belief that says, " I am the power behind all my behaviors. I am the only one who can change how I feel, I hold the password to my computer and if I find myself  feeling to want to react negatively, I can change it in that instant and my feelings change(just like the software or operating system). The key to your success is to hypnotize yourself to adopt this as a behavior of what you say in moments,  it must be allowed in emotionally with absolute certainty.  This is and must become your knowing.

The emotions we feel and the behaviors and actions we do, are based on how we evaluate things. The key is to set up a system for self evaluation. To tap into success on all levels we must be able to change the way we think and feel in a matter of moments. We have to learn how to evaluate situations neutrally and take control of the part of our brain that controls our perception of our experiences. To explain this imagine being an archer in the Olympics and having one bad arrow. If we let that effect us negatively we would be out of medal contention. The best athletes in the world have masted this in their sports, the archer knows how to let the emotions around that shot go in seconds before the next arrow. If it is possible in sports it is so possible in all other areas of your life as well.

You can create the life of your dreams even quicker when you learn to evaluate yourself and change things in an instant. You are not your behaviors, you are the person who can control them to success!

Love you!
Hypnosis gets results!

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Dr. Amy Emme

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind Judgement......It Can Harm you!

According to the Webster’s Dictionary, to judge means "to discern, to distinguish, to form an opinion, to compare facts or ideas, and perceive their agreement or disagreement, and thus to distinguish truth from falsehood." Therefore, when you say that your neighbor is a "good person," you are passing a judgment (forming an opinion) just as much as when you say that the thief is a "bad person."

Just so we are clear I am using the word judgement in the context of that meaning! I would just like to bring to your awareness how our mind works. If it is our minds job to protect us and keep us safe it has to has references to do this. It builds memory on PERCEIVED experiences based on the layer of beliefs which we got from our first teachers- usually our parents. Have you ever thought about how you- yes you individually formed your opinions? Why do you like certain people and not others? What makes someone good and "bad"?

Have you ever made a mistake in your life because you were at an emotional low or reacting out of impulse? Would you want to be labeled for that you entire life? Of course not. I am coming from hypnosis now... everyone of my clients I see has challenges because they are judging themselves as NOT WORTHY! It is masked and covered up as depressed, overweight, smoker, under performer, etc. and the bottom line is they have created this story because they have compared themselves to others in one way or another. Think about it for a moment- and your light bulb will go off! Who are you comparing yourself to where that judgement kicks in and you feel deflated?

The one thing we cannot control is other peoples judgements of us- the only thing we can change is our own and it can be done in a second with a decision to choose better for your health and well being. Every judgement it based on a comparison and we can only compare when we have had an experience to compare it to. Or can we? We really never know what is going on inside someone else's head EVER we can ask and they may say one thing and really it is something else- so to make life so amazing focus on what is going on in your head and start judging yourself as an amazing person who was just born- Start you life over today living in the judgement of I AM LOVE.  Also forgive yourself when you slip for a moment and listen to others people's negative judgements of you- Let it Go and create the life you dream of.

Here's a judgement from Amy for you...
 I believe in you, I know you are a wonderful person your heart is love and although you have done some things in the past when you did not love yourself that could be perceived and "bad" it was only because at that time you were desperate to be loved. You are a new person today with new tools and skills and you have the ability to look in the mirror and recognize who you really are, A person full of love ready to live in this moment and let the past go knowing if you hurt people, you didn't mean to, it was merely because you were hurting (hurt people hurt people). Today choose love for yourself above all else and hold a mirror to anyone that chooses to say, be, or do anything that is unkind or disempowering to you so that you understand they are actually judging themselves.

Stay great keep training your mind to focus on what you want and it will happen! Remember if you must Judge yourself, form a positive empowering judgement that moves you in the direction of your dreams!

Love you!

Hypnosis gets results!

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Dr. Amy Emme

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind.... Toxic Family Environments

The Hypnosis Behind.... Toxic Family Environments

I believe there is powerful hypnosis at play in this culture, one whose interpretation has harmed many people. It is only a  few words taken out of context from the bible- Honor thy mother and father.

This has been coming to my attention more and more through the clients I have been helping lately. Although the intention is an honorable one and I agree with honoring our parents, I dare to challenge why doesn't it say honor your children as well! Who says honor your children and their dreams. Who sticks up for the children who are not honored by their parents. I cannot even put a number on the clients who come to me because of the shattered dreams and lives they experience because of non supportive or damaging parents.

However, with that said, one form of healing is to understand that parents do the best they can with who they are at any specific time. We must realize most parents are hurting too and haven't learned empowering skills either. If they choose to stay in a place of destruction though it becomes the responsibility of the child(as an adult) to remove themselves from the toxic environment. Once you are 18 or in some cases younger I believe the best way to honor family is to go out and live the life you were meant to. You can heal when you release your parents from blame and send them love and use that energy then to propel you forward! Go forward in the direction of your dreams and gift yourself  the ability to take responsibility for your self preservation.

Let me give you a few examples, if you know you are an recovering alcoholic the bar is probably not the best place for you not to hang out until you get healthy enough. The same is true of a physical injury, if you broke your knee until it is strong and healthy enough you would not be rollerblading! If your parents don't honor you this will not support your dreams, if they can't see or hear who you really are then stop wasting your energy and go where you can be supported. Until you get healthy change your environment one that will grow and nurture you.

It takes time and constant consistency to purpose to break the unhealthy bonds of families and set up boundaries that are healthy. Once you get yourself on track then it is OK to attempt to test the relationship. If you find you feel better when parents are not around and actually thrive then speak your truth to them.  If you really matter to them,  if they really love you,  then they will do the work to get to know and understand the real you. Actually, anyone you choose to be in relationship with parents, siblings, friends, coworkers any relationship must really invest the energy into knowing you or it is best to get into an environment where you can thrive. Big clue if you grew up in an unhealthy environment your mind first believes this is normal!!!! Your work comes in by unhypnotizing yourself from the unhealthy and learning what healthy is. If this is not done you will attract people who repeat the same destructive patterns as your parents.

You can learn how to loving communicate your truth and the greatest gift you can give you is to put yourself in healthy environments - find your truth, then find your voice, and combine the two in love and look out at what you will accomplish and how great you will feel. At first if this is new to you it may be difficult and not feel great because you are growing and using new tools.  Remember, with practice you can master anything! I believe in you and am here if you need any help. Just leave me a comment or call!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind... Soulmates

The Hypnosis Behind....Soulmates
Have you ever met that one person that was your everything? That miracle perfect person who meets all your needs and fulfills all your dreams? If you haven't met them yet do you believe you will?  Do you get butterflies just thinking about them or imagining them? Great then you really need to read on.

Let me hypnotize you for more joy and love in your life by telling you the truth as I have experienced it. This is based on many interviews with clients, seminars, research, and other life experiences. The greatest gift with the idea of a soul mate is that it helps you believe in love, the greatest problem, to be quite brutal is that real love comes not from another. Sometimes being in a relationship can be used as a distraction to focus on another instead of ourselves. If it is a healthy relationship, it can be the greatest time of growth for you. You can learn from being in relationship about your greatest fears and insecurities and learn to overcome them while being encouraged and supported by someone who loves you and cheers you on to being the true authentic wonderful you.

Whether it is your current partner or some dreamed-of partner in the future, nobody has any obligation to deliver your happiness to you- nor could they even if they wanted to. Real love comes from not from trying to solve our neediness by changing to fit or by depending on another, but by developing our own inner richness and maturity.  Once we discover who we really are, in all areas, we will have so much love to give that we naturally draw love towards us and this is what a true soul mate is. When your soul is authentic in every breath and is encouraged to be that way, where you feel safe to act and say how you feel in every moment, and where you can just BE who you really are, then and only then, can you start to become a true WE.  Hypnotize yourself to be brave enough to take the time to find your soul and then your soulmate will emerge!

Hypnosis gets results!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Dr. Amy Emme

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind....Dogs

The Hypnosis Behind....Dogs
Have you ever wished people were more like dogs? Have you ever seen something more beautiful than to be loved so unconditionally? If you own a dog or ever have, you understand completely what I am talking about. Talk about the perfect example of living and always loving in the moment!

I was just getting ready to go for a walk with our dogs Bow and Arrow and all I have to do is get near my shoes and they are ready for an adventure. They know not where they are going they are just ready because of their love and trust for me. Imagine loving and trusting ourselves enough that we were up for anything wagging our tails and eager to go?!!? 

 I stepped on Arrow the other day and he yelped and licked me?!?! Now imagine hurting a loved one and instead of them getting mad or reacting negatively, they instantly started hugging us expressing how they understand we didn't mean it and then granting us total forgiveness. (WOW) Imagine how many times we do things that hurt ourselves- because we decide to take on someone else's opinions of us and begin to wear those opinions as our truths!!! Or better yet,  how often do we react when hurt instead of stepping back into love and understanding? Imagine if you could love you as much as your dog loves you. I want you to look at yourself in the mirror and imagine you are a dog, how does it feel to see you through dog eyes? Get that love in your heart for you! Wag your tail to see you and decide to take you on a walk into your happy life.

So my gift to you on this day the dog days of summer is to think and act like a unconditionally forgiving, trusting, loving dog here to please yourself and get on with the next amazing adventure! You are now hypnotized to think woof I love me always unconditionally!

Hypnosis gets results!

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Dr. Amy Emme

Friday, July 22, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind....Taste

The Hypnosis Behind.... Taste

When was the last amazing meal you had? When did you last taste something that was so amazing it almost gave you the chills? What is your relationship with your tongue like???

In my line of work I see so many clients that come to me because they want to improve their health. One of the first things I have to address with them is their relationship with their body? Starting with the mouth because that is where life begins as a baby. It is important to hypnotize yourself to be present in all you do. The relationships you have from the food you eat, to the way you eat, it is all important. It is significant whether you are one of my professional athletes or a retired hippie it is all the same.

How you do anything is how you do everything. With this said I encourage you today to experiment with your food. Eat one meal or treat alone and notice everything from are you actually tasting it or is your mind so busy you ate the entire snack/meal and didn't even taste it? My goal it to wake you up to everything thing in your life. My dream is to have you really living in your life to the fullest. To take notice in all you do. If you are eating a strawberry notice it, if you are having more than one notice the difference in the two, three and so on. Food is a great example of what is happening in the rest of your life because we all must eat. Do you take care of you body and fill it with nourishing things or do you disrespect it and trash it with junk food.

Take notice and repeat to yourself the way I do anything is the way I do everything and just see how it plays out in your life from what you eat to who you enjoy and meet! Enjoy!

Hypnosis gets results!

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Dr. Amy Emme

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind.... Intimacy

The Hypnosis Behind....Intimacy

Have you ever just craved the touch of another? Have you ever wanted so bad a deep meaningful conversation that would never end? Has you heart even longed to be seen and appreciated? Have you ever just hurt because you just longed to be loved really loved?????

Have you ever had a call for true Intimacy? I learned a long time ago that intimacy really meant

Intimacy = into me I see

What an amazing way to shift a belief system. Hypnotize yourself to always recognize that what we crave in others is only because we have not been intimate with our self. We have not respected our desires by establishing boundaries and enforcing them. Let me take it further, the intimacy you crave is because you have not taken a look into yourself to really see and learn what it is that makes you feel loved. You see if you do not know how to love you, how can you ever expect someone else to know how to? You are only setting them up for failure I mean complete and total failure where you both feel worse than before you met.

Nobody, whether it is your current mate or some dreamed of partner in the future, can - even if they wanted to, deliver love to you in a way you could receive it if you do not know what love feels like to you. It is time to take a look into you. Time to be still and ask yourself the hard questions;

Ask yourself ;  What does love look like in relationship with others ( sometimes this is an easier place to start because we have been conditioned to think love with another) and really what does it look like with me alone??

What does love look like to me?
If I am sick it delivers me Tomato soup instead of chicken- it knows me and my preferences and asks
Taking a bath for half and hour in scented coconut salt scrub and opera

What does it feel like?
I like to hold hands when I am talking to feel the connection
Treating myself to oil moisturizer touching my hands and body

What does it smell like?
I love the smell of a fresh natural man, not tons of cologne
Fresh Flowers on my desk of Lilacs or lavender

What does it taste like?
Sweet soft kisses or deep tongue( can you describe the taste of love??? Yes you can - have fun)
A cup of my favorite tea with some yummy orange blossom honey

What does it sound like?
A soft considerate voice or a loud assertive voice of direction and confidence
Silence and listening to my breath as I remember my possibilities and talk with myself

This is such a small example and it is a start! If you want an intimate relationship start with knowing you! Get intimate with you and watch the magic happen. Learn to stay in the moment of each breath and you will develop intimacy and joy like you have never felt before! Feel me loving you love you :)

Hypnosis gets results!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Dr. Amy Emme

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind...Being Sexy

The Hypnosis Behind... Being Sexy

Being a Hypnocoach my goal for every client that comes to me is to take them to the next level. I was just remembering a group session I had and in one of the exercises in this particular group there was a running theme among some of them- they were not feeling sexy! I want everyone to understand and feel how sexy they are! how sexy life is and how sexy is a belief system. You can choose sexy at any moment :).

There are many different definitions of sexy and so I prefer to describe what I interpret it to mean for the purpose of this blog. I am working on a book right now that will be ready for editing in August and I'll keep you posted on the release date where I will go into huge detail on this. However,  to open the topic up, sexy is in your walk, your talk, your belief that you deserve to enjoy life to the fullest. You deserve to live in the sexual energy that makes your heart pump and your voice sing. You deserve to embrace that sexy part in you that  loves your body, all of it. You deserve to be confident in who you are and desire to be with yourself and if in relationship, with your mate.

The challenge with most people is that they are trying to be sexy for someone else and they are not believing it at their core. When is the last time you dressed up for you and for you only. When was the last time you bought yourself a new outfit for example where you knew you looked hot and felt great walking in it. When is the last time you loved all of you? When have you stood in the mirror and appreciated your body for all it has done over the years to serve you? I appreciate even my wrinkles because I know I earned them and they are sexy to me because it is a sign of  wisdom and success that I am progressing through life confident at any age.

Try this get some grape seed oil, or coconut oil and treat yourself to a massage by yourself. Get in touch with every little part of you. Explore and embrace all of you and really feel you, touch and appreciate you. Put on some great music- I'm listening to Opera as I type this and feeling sexy- it is a state change a place of real love for yourself and those who are fortunate to encounter your presence. Have some scented candles and look at yourself in the mirror often and say I AM SEXY! Engage all 5 of your senses. Taste yourself with a kiss to you- this may sound silly if you have never got in touch with yourself at this level and it will feel so strange and it is ok. The more strange it feels the more you need it! Remember if you don't feel or believe you are sexy who else can? It all starts with you and what you believe.  So practice embracing the sexy side of you!

Hypnosis gets results!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Dr. Amy Emme

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind...Moving Forward

The Hypnosis Behind...Moving Forward

Imagine money burning in front of you and you can't touch it. How does that make you feel? What is your attachment to money? Does it prove to the world you are valuable? Does it prove it to your spouse to you? Who are you with it? Who are you without it?

It is so interesting for me to observe the attachment to money many of my clients have. As you know I help many people move from amateur to professional in the sports and entertainment arenas. One of the things they first say when they come to me is that the money they will make from being successful in these careers is a dream for them. That I have to reassure them is a bonus and if they are doing it for the money usually they will not be successful. Money comes and money goes and the real mindset to success is finding the joy in what you are doing along the way. In this economy so many of my friends are now struggling with this in their lives. We all made so much money in 04-06 and now they have lost all of it and are rediscovering who they are.

In relationships do you place more value on those people that provide money to you, or  can you see someones value with out financial contribution. I actually had a client who lost money (she believes it was taken out of her purse) and instead of consoling her, her husband lectured her on how she should have been more responsible and went on and on about how she should have put it in the bank attempting to make her feel even more horrible than she already did.  Where does he place his value?The challenge we have in our society right now is that in order to take the focus off of how we are feeling we turn to focusing on how others are doing or did wrong. We go to the blame game and place value on the wrong things. Now is the time to become aware what would you have done if you were married to someone who lost money you needed to keep a roof over your head what would have been your reaction? Here is where you can learn your belief system. Go to this scenario.

The spiral down is deep! If you don't feel in your heart that connection to your goodness ASK FOR HELP! You are not your money or what you contribute financially. Money is only an emotional trigger for many people to learn about themselves. When you discover the joy in what you do for yourself and others you will start to attract people who will take notice and want to reward you financially for your services of joy and the gifts you bring. The most challenging thing for you to overcome is the voice in your head that attaches your value with a dollar amount. This is your time to  be in a place to ask yourself who are you proving yourself too? Please understand I am not saying not to value financially planning and being smart with your money, I am simply saying that you money is not you! It will come in waves once you discover your joy in expressing your gifts! Hypnotize yourself to see your value, joy and to see the value and joy in those around you and I promise you will have your greatest return in investment ever!

Hypnosis gets results!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Dr. Amy Emme

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind...Relationships

The Hypnosis Behind...Relationships
Ever feel like you can't get along with someone they are just too different? Ever think that people just don't get you? Did you ever feel like it is just tooo.. hard to be in a relationship and life is easier alone?

This weekend I thought of this idea as I was watching our friends kitten meet our chihuahua. They so wanted to play with each other and it was their first meeting. It so reminded me of how all relationships are. We hypnotize our self that it would be cool to play with the new person yet we are not sure how they play. Just like a cat and dog we all are different we come from different backgrounds, belief systems, conscious and unconscious programming that determines how we play an interact.

Take for example my dog, to date he has only been around dogs. He puts his head lower than his butt, wags his tail like crazy, may whine and bark a little, sniff the butt of the other dog, pee on things and run around. However, when he tried to do that with the kitty this weekend the he was met with claws and some abrupt smacks in the face. He just had this puzzled look on his face yet was determined to be friends. Like us right, if we don't get understood the first time we adjust and go with another approach. The cool thing was, my dog was so forgiving he just got smacked in the face with claws and he still wanted to play. (Wish humans were more like dogs and understood they could get over things just as fast :))

He came in a second time slower and not so in the face, going with his butt first this time and the kitty was now sniffing and tapped him on the butt with out claws. It was so fun to observe and  I thought of so many of my married clients who come for relationship help. It was the exact same approach they used. Constantly changing positions and doing their best to try to understand each other although feeling unsure and strange all while have a huge desire to play and love one another. I mean they are no different than cats and dogs when you consider how different we are all brought up. Some of us are told to believe we are cats and some of us dogs yet with patience and a willingness to understand how we have been hypnotized by others to believe this we can learn new ways and all get along. Just like the picture above shows we can all get along, work together, and even support and benefit from one another, so does understanding how you have been hypnotized your whole life to believe what you do now. With hypnosis you can adopt new understanding and get along with anyone willing to understand where there beliefs come from too!  If other species can get along and love one another for the benefit of all surly "Humans" can just get along with each other to start!
This is me loving you! This is my start! Enjoy!

Hypnosis gets results!

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Dr. Amy Emme

Friday, July 1, 2011

The Hypnosis behind...Believing what you think

The Hypnosis behind...Believing what you think

Would you like to have a whole lot more happiness in your life? Would you like to have a whole lot more peace in your life? How about freedom?

The quickest way to all these things is:


I have done so much research on this topic and answers to how many thoughts a person has per day vary from 1 to thousands. I found one article where a Tibetan monk had trained his mind so well that he had been able to focus and have only one thought a day. (I hope it was a happy one :). I have also worked with kids and adults of all walks of life healthy and mentally ill and am always fascinated  how the thoughts in their minds come out in words that constantly surprise me. It is always fascinating what thoughts people choose to believe and not believe. I have so many thoughts about life I know I wish I had a recorder plugged straight to my mind sometimes and then other days I'm so grateful I don't!

Seriously though, the biggest gift I bring as a performance hypnocoach is having the ability to help so many people through hypnosis discover what their thoughts are. First you have to become aware of you thoughts and hypnotize yourself not to have a reaction to them--- just observe them as if you were outside your body watching someones else's life. I crack up at myself so much when I do this. Things that used to piss me off and really ruin my day now make me laugh and I tell my mind thank you for sharing! Do this whenever you have a thought that seems to affect you, say Thank you for sharing and watch the power it once had over you disappear.

When I work with athletes training for the Olympics it is essential we train their mind as much, if not more, as their bodies! When you reach the level you are ready to be the best in the world it requires a trained mind. I love it! You get free when you free yourself from the chatter in your mind and you learn to observe your thoughts without giving them power. You are free and you will be the best in the world at being you! You become powerful the only one in control of your life oooo.... so powerful. Love yourself, observe your thoughts for one minute, make a hash mark on paper for every new thought and put a positive or negative by it to see if it is in support of your best self.  If you choose to get attached to it and allow it to keep you small, pay attention to this too.   Play with this I have some specific techniques I am preparing to share in upcoming blogs for now this is a great start. Be an observer in the movie of your life! Luvu!


Hypnosis gets results!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Dr. Amy Emme

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind... Youthfulness and Vigor

The Hypnosis Behind... Youthfulness and Vigor

Imagine a picture of the fountain of youth. Stretching into possibilities of any age. Last week at the clinic I had the most amazing day. After this day,  I took a few days of meditation to really absorb the miracle presented before me. I got to witness an amazing client who is one of my heroes, she was struck with a brain aneurysm at 18 and almost died. She was in a coma and when she finally became conscious she had to relearn everything from swallowing to walking and talking. I know amazing right. Well later that afternoon a woman with Alzheimers came in and I felt like I was on 50 first dates with her. To keep her comfortable we must have sung Jiggle Bells  over and over again (what felt like at least 30 times :). She would forget as soon as we sang and smile at me say Merry Christmas and we would start again. I was laughing and singing Jingle bells in June and discovering the joy in it.

How does all this have to relate with the fountain of  youth? I realized you can have a body that doesn't work with your brain and you can have a brain that doesn't work with your body and you can still remain young. The youth comes from believing in the possibilities and finding the joy in the small moments.It truly is where you turn back the clock and where time stands still.  I realize this is what keeps people young! It is their beautiful mindset of choosing happiness. They are in a habit of being happy! Do this for the next week start your day by saying "I choose happiness today" Make it an effort to see, be, do and feel happy and make those around you wonder why they can't get you down. Happiness is a choice and it keeps you young! You have all you need right now to be happy it is not something you will achieve once you have something else. Choose to be happy, choose to practice the habit of it and watch what happens. Take your control back and you will rediscover your youth!

Hypnosis gets results!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Dr. Amy Emme

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind...Getting out of your own way!

The Hypnosis Behind...Getting out of your own way!

Hold Fast to your dreams, for if dreams die, life is like a broken winged bird that cannot fly.
~ Lanston Hughes

 How do you feel today? Do you feel like you are a volcano ready to erupt? Are you mad at the world and so pissed off that you are not feeling like being around anyone? Doesn't it just piss you off how it seems everyone is getting in the way of you reaching your dreams? Are you misunderstood? If only the kids wouldn't fight so I could have some peace and get my book written. If only my spouse could help more around here. If only my my boss would quit dumping more and more on me while he takes vacation. If only I was seen and heard. If only, If only, If only.....

Here is the truth, the only if only question you need to be asking is if only I could get off my butt and make a stand that I matter what would my life look like. IF ONLY you actually gave yourself some time to get clear and write down something you want to do, some of your dreams, and honor yourself by sticking to it. That's right if only you would hypnotize yourself that the only thing you need to get really get it, is that you matter and how you choose to create your life matters too!

Ask yourself... when was the last time you took yourself out on a date and in that quiet still moment gave yourself time to create what it is you want moving forward? What is it you admire and and what characteristics in yourself would you like to lead with? If you can't move on a project you are involved in get a new project one that supports you in the direction of your dreams,  using your skills, voice, and power. There is always an opportunity to be the best you.  Just select environments conducive to your growth and expression. We all have different gifts and it is time you get clear on what yours are and do something where you can use them. The result in not doing so is a slow painful death.

If you have taken on the belief system you are somehow less then important compared to someone else, STOP RIGHT NOW! Everyone on a team matters and a great team realizes that, a family team or corporate team, so make sure you are playing for team I MATTER and hypnotize yourself that nothing else will work!

Take the action step today to make that date with yourself, create that quiet time to create what is it you want moving forward. Establish your boundaries so you can clearly communicate them with all your relationships and start sticking up for and loving you! If you need help getting unstuck reach out and get it done! Most important though is just get started!

Hypnosis gets results!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Amy Emme

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind..... Living Your Dream in a Marriage.

The Hypnosis Behind..... Living Your Dream in a Marriage.

Perhaps you are scared, pissed, feeling hopeless, feeling like the person you married isn't at all the person they claimed to be. Maybe you feel trapped definitely misunderstood, not heard, or supported and your intimate life, forget it, you don't want to touch or be touched you are completely shut down. You don't know even how to get up much less look up for a brighter future. You think things would be so much easier if you just had to worry about you because the hope that they will do what they say and you believing them only to be let down again is so much more painful than just being alone and knowing it's up to you.  Or perhaps you believe someone else would understand that knight in shining armor that man and for the man that beautiful woman who will help you be all you know you were destined to. Yea, that's right that person you thought you were marrying. That person you thought you signed up for when you said your vows or maybe even the legal paper at the court house! Well.... here is the truth! Ready....

That is the hypnosis, you are living in a fantasy world. You hypnotized yourself when you fell in love with the idea you had of a person. You didn't fall in love with the person for who they were. When you are in love everything is beautiful your brainwash yourself and you see only the good because you are feeling good. That's right you see what you choose to see based on how you are feeling in a moment! If you are feeling bad you see all the horrible things, if you are feeling great, you love more. The key is, the person never changes only your perception of them does. That is why I had you write the list of things you couldn't stand and things you love.

Here we go an example from some of my clients:

+/-   Statements, Hidden Truths, Projections = What the real belief system is the real truth

I can't stand how my husband is unorganized = I feel out of control when I am unorganized
I can't stand it when my wife loses it              = I don't like how I feel about myself when I lose it
I love how my husband is great with the kids = I feel good about me when I am great with the kids

See what we see in others or can't stand is really what is going on for us it is called a projection. We see the world based on how we have perceived information as we learn it. The first step to learning how to live your dream is to realize your spouse is who they really are you just didn't see them for that.  The truth is, you saw them and see them as a projection of your ideas. It is time to get clear now and look at yourself and recheck your list and put yourself in every line and acknowledge where you are loving,  or are not loving you.  This is the first major step to your awareness and new life! Hypnotize yourself to focus on the good in you. Luvu you for being brave and wanting more! Hug yourself and we shall continue tomorrow!

Hypnosis gets results!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Amy Emme

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The hypnosis behind...,Living your dream in a marriage

The hypnosis behind Living your dream in a marriage

The hypnosis behind.....Living your dream in a marriage

It's all about you all ways!!~ Amy Emme

Ok your assignment for last week was to write down all the things you can't stand about your partner!  Write down all the things you thought were crazy about them... every little thing that drives you nuts!

Now to continue this in the direction of progress wrote gown every little thing you love about them and I will show you how it all come together in the following blog!!! You are doing great acknowledge yourself for wanting more that's a great thing!!

Hypnosis gets results!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Amy Emme

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The hypnosis behind... Honesty

The hypnosis behind... Honesty
Keep your word!!

That's all I have to say today
Luvu Amy

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind.....Waking UP!

The Hypnosis Behind... Waking UP!

"Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye..." ~Corinthians 15:15

The challenge many of my clients face is believing that waking up has to be hard. Change is happening everyday and the problem is most people are looking for others to change, meanwhile living in the blame game.
I want to let you in on a secret,  in order for others to change we have to change.

Let's begin the waking up process. First good morning let's hypnotize you into ultimate focus.  Get crystal clear on what you want and why you want it. If it's money you want how much and why do you want it. If you had all the money you needed what would you do with it? This is just one example. You can use time, health, anything you think you want more of and ask why do I want this and what will this do to improve my life!?!?! Feel yourself feel again or maybe for the first time!

After you have done this build a dream-board and put visual pictures to this! I love using it makes it so easy and if you have never built one before then there are videos to help you understand how.

 The more you get clear on what  you want and why you want it, the quicker you will be to waking up to the possibilities-- and life becomes so much more alive.

Enjoy being hypnotized to waking up!

Hypnosis gets results!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Amy Emme

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Hypnosis behind.... Life

The Hypnosis behind.... Life

Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

~ Dale E. Turner
I am often asked, "Amy, how do you stay so positive?" and I always respond it is a choice to never ending constant improvement. It has been my life long dedication to getting the most out of life and all it has to offer. It has been a journey for me and I am getting better at it. I am quicker at my recovery time from perceived trauma and pains. Let me share with you my personal system quick and easy and always a winner.
As you know I was a National Archery Coach and love to shoot a bow so this came naturally to me. If you think of yourself as an archer in search of a target and the ultimate is to hit the bulls eye :)
Find it: What is the problem (where is your target)
Focus: on the solution/possibilities (get in line with the bulls eye)
Follow through: with the action steps towards the dream (bulls eye!)
You can get yourself out of any negative mood remembering this quick hypnosis reframe.
Remember to Breathe and Smile and the way will be made always when you hypnotize yourself in possibilities instead of problems :) There are always possibilities to make your dreams come true!

Hypnosis gets results!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Amy Emme


Monday, June 13, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind...Family Fun

The Hypnosis Behind.... Family Fun

The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life.

- Richard Bach

 Are you currently respecting each other and having joy in each other's life? If yes great for you and you can stop reading. This article is for those for those of you who would like respect and joy to reappear or appear for the first time in your family!

In your family you can have respect and joy and anything else you wish once you learn it all starts with you. It means however you must take totally responsibility for how you have been training those in your family how you want to be treated. By changing how you treat yourself, your alter the most important element of the entire equation.

I know you thinking Amy, I'm perfect. Well,  that is ok you have had many years getting to perfect and if you are ready to reach all the other levels of your life, let's start with beyond perfect. You action step until we meet again is to make a list of all the things you would like to do for yourself that you aren't currently doing.

I would like to have 30 mins a day of me time.
I would like to exercise everyday.
I would like to be talked to in a kind voice by my children.
 Just to name a few....

Do you want a family that respects each other and experiences joy in each other's life? If so then;

Until next Friday, start your list and then I will follow up with next steps to of the hypnosis behind family fun!!

Hypnosis gets results!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Amy Emme

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind... Living Your Dream In A Marriage

The Hypnosis Behind... Living Your Dream In a Marriage.

It is possible to be hypnotized to have it all! ~ Amy Emme

It is a this and that world, not a this or that world.  I hope this dialog stimulates some conversation. It is my clear intention that shift will happen when you read this. I am dedicating Thursdays to couples who what to be hypnotized to live their dream lives!

Let's begin are you in a great relationship right now where both you and your partner are living your dreams lives?? Or are you in a relationship where you are sacrificing your dreams, putting them on hold while your partner pursues theirs and after they reach their dream then you believe it is your turn to begin your dream life? If this is the case please read on!

In either situation I want to hear from you. I hypnotize couples all the time who want more and these couples range from dreading when the partner comes home to couples who dream of the partner walking through the door so they can plan their next dream together moving forward. Hypnosis is the key. Understanding the way your mind works and the way your partner understands things is the key to your dreams.

Like I said this is a hypnosis process and it is a this and that world. With that said I am going to give you a series of hypnotic steps over the next few weeks to help you and your partner. Whether you start secretly with you alone or you start together your partner will take notice and want to know what you are up to because they will notice the change in you. You will be happier because you will be on purpose :)!

Let's look at marriage for a moment. States require a test to pass to get a drivers license and yet to join you life with someone else and raise a family they give you no classes or tests. Usually your examples where you learned about marriage are not healthy either. You have been hypnotized by your parents or other married couples and you both have your own beliefs about what marriage is coming into it- do you really know what your partner believes? I am guessing not!

Ok your assignment for this first week is to write down all the things you can't stand about your partner!  Write down all the things you think are crazy about them... every little thing that drives you nuts!
How you hate it when they leave the toilet seat up or down. How they don't do anything. How they quit charming you and let themselves go. How they never notice all you do etc. You know better what you can't stand about them. I mean make the longest list about all the things they say do and believe that drive you crazy!

Great Start let's continue next Thursday- you have begun to get hypnotized!

Are you ready to live your dream life while being Married????

Hypnosis gets results!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Amy Emme

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The hypnosis behind..... til death do us part and achieving your dreams!

The Hypnosis behind..... til death do us part and achieving your dreams!

In response to a quote I posted on Facebook,

Quit making excuses. What we’re really talking about here is commitment. Until you make a commitment to your dream, it’s not a commitment at all. It’s just another fantasy. And fantasies don’t come true because they’re not real, we’re not committed to them. When we make commitments, they become dreams. And dreams are very real.

~ Rudy Ruettiger

It was desired by my beautiful friend Rick's Loft on Facebook if  he could see a statistic on:
A. Singles who live dreams

B. Married spouses living dreams

C. Married couples living dreams

Just curious what I'm up against. Cuz when your married, if your spouse is not on board with your dream, then what? Does Divorce rate have anything to do with Dream fulfillment rate?
Well, I don't have actual statistical numbers so I can only speak from hypnosis experience therefore, 
hypnotically speaking let's talk about these one at a time :)!

A. Singles who live dreams

 It seems to me we always want what we don't have. The beauty about mastering hypnosis is that you can already tap into the feeling of what it is you choose to have, be and do! Seriously, clients I work with who are single usually have the DREAM Partner as their first dream. Most people usually want someone to share all their good experiences with. They want to share their joys and frustrations,  because at the end of the day even though the journey is between them and God, they honestly still feel so much better having someone to share with.  

With that said I have so many beautiful friends.  All of which I share different things with. I know we have friends for reasons, seasons and lifetimes and so we are always abundantly blessed with people to hold mirrors for us! We all have different people to help us achieve our dreams. We are truly always single anything else I believe is an illusion! We can never force anyone ever to see the world they way we perceive it. Impossible totally!! ( Ok I see a blog dedicated totally to this!)
B/C. Married Spouses/ Married Couples Living dreams
Well Rick, I honestly have to say just the word Married throws me for a loop ( again another complete blog and that is why I am currently coauthoring a book totally dedicated to this subject- Before you say I do say I am!)

And to answer the question....
Married in this sense means til death do us part??? wow you have hit some of my magical buttons today that's why it is 9:53 and I am getting this blog out b/c all day I thought how do I answer this shortly when it is a HUGE subject! I feel an energy around not being able to fulfill dreams when in a committed relationship because there may be part of a person who is married feeling like they had to sacrifice their dreams for the sake of their partner/family, dog etc! LET ME SAY NOOOO!!! DON"T DO IT! EVER!! WILL ALWAYS RESULT IN RESENTMENT, SADNESS, and ANGER!! in some form or another! Pay Attention:  Divorce rate absolutely has to do with dream fulfillment rate 100%!!
You can have your dream partner and dream life and it definitely will take some serious hypnosis help! Lots of re framing and huge communication skills to make it all happen! Yes you can have it all and yes it will require all involved to grow into evolved beings :)! What dream shall we start with and I will use all the hypnosis tools I have to help show you how!
Write back to me with a specific dream you wish to start with.  If you are willing to do the work and be the volunteer to help others we can do this my friend Rick. (or whoever else is brave!)

 Be Brave ask me your questions regarding one dream and we'll bring it to reality! LUVU!

Hypnosis gets results!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Amy Emme


Monday, June 6, 2011

The Hypnosis behind... How to Creating A GREAT TEAM!

Wouldn't you like to understand how to create a great team around you all the time? If you answer yes then read on...

This is to all my beautiful friends who dare to hypnotize themselves to be outside the box and brave into the world of leading and working with exceptional teams.

One of the greatest challenges when creating an amazing team is really getting clear on who you need and what you need them to do. This is a step that cannot be skipped if you want amazing results. What I find in most situations where I am hired to consult for corporations, most teams are built out of desperation vs. preparation. Let me hypnotize you to think like a gold medalist preparing for the Olympics to help you understand what I mean.

If we were creating a 400 meter sprint team, we would first want people that could run fast, then teammates who were dedicated to training and understood the level of commitment it takes to be the best in the world. We want individuals, who as athletes, are just as dedicated to individually training by eating the right food, feeding their mind mental toughness routines,  training with weights to strengthen them, and then running to perfect their form, to be as individually strong as they can before they consider joining the team.  After they COMMIT to the team the next round begins by discovering the strengths and placement- who is the starter who is 2, 3 and 4th position which one is best where. Now as a coach you wouldn’t even consider them for a team if they weren’t ready in all areas because you know your time limit. You have 4 years in between Olympics and you know what it takes to make a winning team.

Hypnotically speaking mindset is key to everything. The willingness and  belief system of each team member is something very crucial to determine when you are building your team in anything! Make sure they want to do this first for the love of it! It is expensive to participate in the Olympics, athletes do it for the love of what it means – the joy in being your best for themselves, their countries and the world. I say when building your team look for those individuals who will do it for those same reasons. They have hypnotized themselves to work in a position that fills what you are looking for as they achieve what they are looking for. If they come for money they will leave for money SIMPLE!

Make a list:

What are the most important characteristics someone in this position will need?

What will they enjoy most about being on this team?

What is the philosophy of your organization and do they believe in it? ( Do you even know it your vision, mission, make sure you are clear first!!)

What are the current strengths and weaknesses of the rest of the team they will be joining?

What is the top priority of a person who accepts the position on this team?

How will they be measured to see if they are improving or being a great team player?

What opportunities do they have for leadership among the team?

Realize that we all depend on each other to make our dreams come true. We must first believe it- what is the dream? Be so clear and specific! As we dream it visualize it! See it ourselves first and the more words and pictures we can use to describe our passion in it the dream to others we can then.....

Plan it- Lay it out so people interested in supporting it will understand and have buy in to the vision and can ask questions and give honest feedback on how and where they can support it! Where do they fit in the team!

Achieve it! Once you know what you want you must take the time to be clear on who you want and how you see them among everyone!

Hypnosis is simply getting in the right frame of mind and staying there from concept of dream to reality as you describe it to those you need to come to gold!

We are sometimes in small teams (like husband and wife) to large teams corporations. It is so important that no matter the size we are so hypnotized to affirm what we want, how we want it so we can recognize it when it shows up! Then once it shows up know how to incorporate it to the GOLD MEDAL level!

Hypnosis gets results!


Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!

Hugs Kisses Love and Positive Wishes,

Your Performance Hypnocoach!

Dr. Amy Emme

Friday, June 3, 2011

The Hypnosis behind.... Complaining!

The Hypnosis behind..... Complaining.

Complaining, I have one major complaint; I least like of all things complaining!! Really when the kids say, "I'm thirsty, I'm Hungry", what are they really saying?

 Let's take a moment to translate;

I'm thirsty = I want a drink
I'm hungry= I want something to drink

We have hypnotized ourselves and those around us to respond by focusing on the things that are not going good in our life. Can you see how at a young age we established negative thought patterns innocently.

I would like to invite you to consider keeping track of how many times you knowingly complain in a day. I believe you may surprise yourself. To achieve a better life we have to learn to ask for what we really want by putting out the least amout of energy especially negative energy. We must hypnotize ourselves to focus on the positive. Nobody likes to be around a complainer so love yourself enough to pay attention. Once you notice you are complaining stop it, think about what you want behind the complaint and ask for it. Be direct with love. It gets you farther in life when you know what you want ask for it and follow through. Hypnotize yourself with positive desires and then see if you can enroll your entire family and coworkers .... you will be an amazing hypnotist and you and the world will benefit! We can do it!

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive wishes!
Your Performance Hypnocoach
Amy Emme