The Hypnosis behind...Believing what you think
Would you like to have a whole lot more happiness in your life? Would you like to have a whole lot more peace in your life? How about freedom?
The quickest way to all these things is:
The quickest way to all these things is:
I have done so much research on this topic and answers to how many thoughts a person has per day vary from 1 to thousands. I found one article where a Tibetan monk had trained his mind so well that he had been able to focus and have only one thought a day. (I hope it was a happy one :). I have also worked with kids and adults of all walks of life healthy and mentally ill and am always fascinated how the thoughts in their minds come out in words that constantly surprise me. It is always fascinating what thoughts people choose to believe and not believe. I have so many thoughts about life I know I wish I had a recorder plugged straight to my mind sometimes and then other days I'm so grateful I don't!
Seriously though, the biggest gift I bring as a performance hypnocoach is having the ability to help so many people through hypnosis discover what their thoughts are. First you have to become aware of you thoughts and hypnotize yourself not to have a reaction to them--- just observe them as if you were outside your body watching someones else's life. I crack up at myself so much when I do this. Things that used to piss me off and really ruin my day now make me laugh and I tell my mind thank you for sharing! Do this whenever you have a thought that seems to affect you, say Thank you for sharing and watch the power it once had over you disappear.
When I work with athletes training for the Olympics it is essential we train their mind as much, if not more, as their bodies! When you reach the level you are ready to be the best in the world it requires a trained mind. I love it! You get free when you free yourself from the chatter in your mind and you learn to observe your thoughts without giving them power. You are free and you will be the best in the world at being you! You become powerful the only one in control of your life oooo.... so powerful. Love yourself, observe your thoughts for one minute, make a hash mark on paper for every new thought and put a positive or negative by it to see if it is in support of your best self. If you choose to get attached to it and allow it to keep you small, pay attention to this too. Play with this I have some specific techniques I am preparing to share in upcoming blogs for now this is a great start. Be an observer in the movie of your life! Luvu!
Hypnosis gets results!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Dr. Amy Emme
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