Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind... Looking Beyond the Obvious

Are your expectations so full of judgements that your mind goes past the obvious like in this picture? Isn't the obvious here Pizza Hut serves pizza. However, because you have an expectation of what the pizza you want already looks like in a place you already see in your mind you may pass up the outcome you desire, yummy pizza right in front of you? I simple love this picture because many of my clients have this going on.  Pay Attention:


I was working at Christa McAuliffe school in Cape Coral Florida when one of the students said to "Ms. Amy we must learn to think beyond the obvious". WOW!! I thought I wish I had realized this in 3rd grade. What a brilliant thing to say. I was really stunned in this moment it was as if the heavens opened up and sent me an angel.

Imagine this for a moment looking beyond the obvious! If we stick with the pizza for a moment, we know the outcome is you want pizza so you must find a source for pizza. Yet you are driving in circles so emotional that you don't see the sign in front of you and it perpetuates to out of control. Most people don't get their outcomes because they let expectations and emotions get in the way. Now, emotional about pizza you say? I've seen sillier things trust me!

When we are any one of these things we tend to be more emotional. The key statement in looking beyond the obvious is that we must look past the obvious emotion at the time and see what the intelligence is saying . When we are engaged in an argument it is because we haven't noticed the obvious in us. It is our emotions talking not our intelligence and emotions have huge expectations. Ask yourself from now on when you get that urge to argue or get nasty, Say, is it possible Icould be experiencing any of the HALT symptoms?, if you answer is yes to any of the above take responsibility for you.

Hypnotize yourself to be trained to realize when this is occurring for you and find your relief.
 Affirm, when I am hungry, angry, lonely or tired, I know it and take care of myself first before engaging others. In addition to knowing my HALT symptoms, I recognize it in others and have compassion.  I have the ability to look beyond the obvious behavior of others I am in  relationships with to know when their emotions are showing and not their intelligence. I choose to only speak with intelligence.

Another way to think of it is, you wouldn't engage with someone who is totally drunk or on drugs and expect an intelligent response? Of course not, you know you are speaking to the effects of the drug not the intelligence in the person. Emotions have the same effect on the body. Get smart hypnotize yourself to be to know you so well you take control of your emotions and speak from now on, only with your intelligence or keep quiet! It will make your life so enjoyable.

Know what outcome you choose in all situations and be open to how it comes to you. Releasing expectations and emotions allows the true intelligence to create through you. This is me loving you! Now go hypnotize yourself to be aware of your expectations and emotions and let go!

Hypnosis gets results!

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Dr. Amy Emme

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind.... Your Mask

What mask are you choosing to wear today? Who or what are you hiding from? Why are you deciding the authentic beautiful you needs to be covered up? Why have you decided that you want the world to guess who you are instead of announcing it with joy?

Are you afraid of saying you failed in business, financial success, marriage, family, friendship? Are you that guy or that girl? Are you wearing a mask that says look how I have never failed this mask protects me from you. If you see how beautiful my mask is maybe you will want to hang out with me. I'm so afraid of being discovered for fear you will reject me. I have been hiding so long I have hundreds of reasons why I cannot take my mask off.

Never fear, Amy is here, let me give you the big reason why you can remove your mask. First of all let me assure you, everyone knows you are wearing a mask. No matter how well you may have made it, even fit for Hollywood your real you will come out and emerge eventually. Wearing masks takes so much life energy, even the best actors have to stop performing and take breaks. Isn't it time to come out from hiding and let the real you emerge and be proud of who you were. All those "failures" have been the beauty of you. They have all happened in alignment with what you subconscious programs were at that time. Now it is time to put the mask in the closet where it belongs until Halloween and show the beauty of who you choose to be. All those "failures" were learning lessons to hold your hand up to and say, Yes I did this and yes this is how it turned out and to share what you learned. We learn so much more from those times in our life then from the everyday being happy days.

Just think for a moment what was the happiest day of your life and what was the most painful and which one stayed with you longer? Hypnotize yourself to realize that everything in your life has been there to give you the skills and tools to create the new stronger, wiser you. Enjoy the gift of you that sees your perfection, is grateful for all experiences that help you have more compassion and understanding to see the real beauty in others who may be hiding behind masks as well. As you remove your mask, be brave, help those who want it cast their masks aside as well. Embrace the possibilities as you step into the world- time to say goodbye to the mask!

Affirmation: I am more beautiful than any mask!! I choose to go as the authentic me through the rest of my life grateful for all my experiences.

Hypnosis gets results!

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Dr. Amy Emme

The Hypnosis Behind....Allowing

 Have you mastered the art of allowing enough, to believe you deserve the best? Perhaps you choose to paint the canvas black believing you deserve to live in a colorless world because you feeling undeserving.  What does your canvas look like? If you painted you life right now what colors would you use today and what would you create if you were painting your future?

I am inspired to write this tonight because it was a magical day. A hypnocoaches dream. I had clients that were ready to go to the Olympic level in life. Clients ready to paint with all the colors of  possibility, joy, love, empowerment, truth, trust, health and happiness, all around blissful living! I love it when my clients come in and they are suffering from one ailment or another and they allow themselves to be hypnotized and let the love in.  Especially when I get to witness their growth in an hour or less- from when they come in the office with the heavy look on their face, to the lightness and shift when they leave. Life before and life after allowing hypnosis in.

The choice to allow our dreams to take form is a new place for most people. Allowing the mind to go through a guided hypnosis session is something few people have ever experienced.  Until recently with the advancement in cutting edge tools like, Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Scans, where you can actually record actual images of the brain during thought process, it was difficult to explain the difference between imagination and hypnosis. Now using PET scan, it can be proven which areas of the brain are utilized during hypnosis and the actual changes the subject experienced. With hypnosis your mind actually allows you to experience things for the very first time as if it is really happening.  Hypnosis allows you to recreate the past and create a future you be careful what you feel you deserve.

As you decide to paint the canvas of  your dream life, hypnotize yourself to believe you deserve the best and accept only the best now! Allow this to be your base from which all your other colors flow! Enjoy!

Hypnosis gets results!

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Dr. Amy Emme

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind.... Alone Time

Do you ever wish for a blanket to carry around that you could put over your head when you wanted privacy? A signal to the entire world you just need some alone time and you don't want to be bothered. Or, on the other hand does the thought of a cover just scare you to death. The idea of being with yourself, no noise, no friends around, family, or even pets?

Well, to be honest, being an extreme extrovert, I used to freak out at the thought of being alone with myself. My dear friend Kandee G in her book Now Boarding suggests to spend a day with yourself and a journal. I love this about getting to the bottom of the self talk in your mind. I'm going to share a little with you about how my process went.

The very first hour I wanted to cry, the silence was so deafening - I was freaking out. After I cleaned the entire house I had to get out side I was feeling extremely claustrophobic. To alleviate my pain, I decided to take the dogs for a walk. It was a long hour walk, in the rain none the less, and it was so refreshing because it wasn't so quiet. I could feel the energy of the dogs and see people passing by in cars, wave at a few neighbors, and to be totally honest, I even cheated as I encouraged a little girl to jump in a puddle with me. Then it started to get dark, I was soaked, the dogs were soaked, and everyone was in their house so we came home.

Did you ever notice how many noises are in your house? The hums of the refrigerator, A/C, computer, the tea kettle, fans even lights buzz when everything else is still, it felt like in the stillness, time was dragging on. My spirit begged for a movie, a call from friends, and encouraging quick chat on facebook, anything just give  me a connection of any kind my mind kept saying!

Then wow it hit me. Even though I have spent years training my mind I still have been in the habit of diversion. Diversions from getting to know myself in the stillness. I know myself in my dreamboards, affirmations, connections and even daily prayer and meditation. I have conditioned myself for small amounts of time with me,  yet if I really want to get to know me I must go beyond. I must constantly push beyond my comfort zone of constant distraction and go to that place of discipline of wanting to get to know what my mind has been hypnotizing me to believe. I encourage you to do the same. Hypnotize yourself that taking time beyond your comfort zone to get to know you, is an amazing experience and it is needed to cleanse and heal. I only became aware of my disempowering thoughts and beliefs in the uncomfortable stillness beyond my conditioned allotted time. Love you enough to go for that constant and never ending improvement. Relax, sit with yourself and focus on what thoughts are coming up and journal - in the stillness, you get the awareness, to reach the greatness! This is me hypnotizing you to be all you are choosing to be!

Hypnosis gets results!

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Dr. Amy Emme

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind.... Prayer!

Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.
~MATT. 21:22

I read this somewhere once about prayer: To pray is to already have won. I loved it! I believe effective prayer comes in the gratitude of the knowing that we always get our prayers answered. My opinion of prayer is based on what I have witnessed in life with myself, and with that of the many clients, I have used hypnosis on to help them heal. Hypnosis is the key to assist them get their mind healthy so they can be clear on what is they truly want to pray for.

 I wanted to share this story of a Methodist minister from Johannesburg, South Africa who overcame an advanced case of lung cancer. He used this process(almost exactly what I do when facilitating a session):

In his words
Several times a day I would make certain that I was completely relaxed mentally and physically.  I relaxed my body by speaking to it as follows;
"My feet are relaxed, my ankles are relaxed, my legs are relaxed, my abdominal muscles are relaxed, my heart and lungs are relaxed, my head is relaxed, my whole being is completely relaxed."

After about 5 minutes I would find myself drifting into a sleepy, drowsy state.(deep hypnotic trance)  Then I affirmed the following truth: 
 "The perfection of God is now being expressed through me.  The idea of perfect health is now filling my subconscious mind.  The image God has of me is a perfect image, and my subconscious mind recreates my body in perfect accordance with the perfect image held in the mind of GOD."

I just love this story it is such of perfect example of what I experience all the time! It works it works it works- One more verse to leave you with:

Marvelous are they works; and that my soul knoweth right well ~PSALM 139:14

Understanding how to hypnotize yourself will only help you with all you desire to create in your world!

Hypnosis gets results!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Dr. Amy Emme

The Hypnosis Behind...Imagination

"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." -Albert Einstein

Hypnosis is a way to access the power of your own imagination. As the saying goes use it or lose it; so is it with the imagination. Your imagination will become weak through inaction. The good news is I am going to give you some hypnotic tips to help you rediscover and revive you imagination.

Why is this important you ask? Tip #1. It is the starting point of all creation. Center your attention on the idea that everything you see in your home was first part of someone's imagination. How did they know how to make the picture in their head become that vase in the corner of your desk? The screen you are looking at to read this is an improvement on someone, maybe many someone's, ideas that were all born from imagination. The only difference between them and you is they hypnotized themselves into believing they could make their imagination become a reality.

Tip #2. You must recognize how blessed you have been to be born a human! We have the ability to turn our imaginations into concrete ideas that with enough belief behind them can become anything we choose to create. Walt Disney was a great example of how out of no way a way was made. He did it for the love that grew out of his imagination ignoring many people's opinions of him and risking it all for his imaginative drive.

Tip #3. Start Imagining again- bigger than ever before! I want to gift you as you read this some words of encouragement. You too hold that same power as Einstein, Disney, Oprah, and whoever you look up to. I often wish I could tap into people's minds, into that raw fearless place where imagination is allowed to run wild without judgement, and there I wish I could just press a play button and watch the miracles unfold.  What would you allow yourself to imagine if you just let go? Well what are you waiting for? Just do it!
Let go embrace you wild thoughts- be still, then be brave to take some actions on those ideas based on your imagination running through your veins and mind. You are here for a beautiful purpose and you imagination will lead you if you allow it. Just get out of the way, surrender and create today!

Hypnosis gets results!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Dr. Amy Emme

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind.....Silence

What?? How can you be silent? Amy you mean turn my phone off? Miss that important life changing call? Turn the TV off and miss my reality show, hunting, news, drama, the world?? What would I have to talk about with my coworkers and friends tomorrow?  Ok Hypnocoach you really are crazy!!
Well, I know you read my blogs because you are a little crazy too and it's a good thing. You tune in here because you are saying you want more out of life. You are on a path most dare not enter. A path of clarity purpose and true fulfillment. I say to you, it is soooo.... yours for the taking. I say when my dad died the number they put on his death certificate was 55 however he really lived to be 110 or more because he lived with such adventure and spirit he really lived at least 2 lives.  How many are you living? Ask yourself if you are really even living one life or are you just a zombie surviving?

 Napoleon Hill so wonderfully wrote "Whatever THE MIND OF MAN can CONCEIVE and BELIEVE it can ACHIEVE.  Did you get that? Read it again. Now I want you to gift yourself 5 minutes of silence - that's right only 5 minutes LOL and start conceiving! My gift to you right now wherever you are SILENT 5 minutes conceive and in the silence hypnotize yourself to believe anything is possible.

Notice what your mind is saying to you!  Is it supportive in the quiet or does it begin to beat you up? Most of us hide in the noise and we don't get to really hear the programs that are running in our own minds. These are the exact programs that are keeping us small and not allowing us to live life to the fullest, or even begin to live. So I urge you to get to know you,  it all starts by getting so silent you can actually hear what your mind is saying about you. Once you begin to hear what it is saying, you become aware and you can reprogram it. You can hypnotize yourself for the life you really want. 

I say, BE SILENT, so your mind can CONCEIVE (in the positive) and BELIEVE( anything is possible and you deserve the best) and ACHIEVE( what it is that is really in your heart)! Start today, start now and ENJOY THE SILENCE! SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...........

Love you!
Hypnosis gets results!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Dr. Amy Emme

Friday, October 7, 2011

THe Hypnosis Behind.... CHANGE

Have you ever wondered how to make more money than you are now? How about how to attract your perfect partner? What about a fulfilling career? Would you like to be in your healthiest body? If you answered yes to any of these questions read on hypnosis can help.....

Hypnosis is the key to creating change in our lives. If  you want to change anything in your life it is usually one of  two things your behavior in relation to something or your feelings. Think of your mind as a computer for a moment. If you want to change the way your computer is processing data(behavior), you can change the software you are using to get different results. Then if  you want to take it to a whole new level you can change the entire operating system (emotions based on beliefs) and this will allow you to interact in a multitude of ways for different requirements.

Now think of your life the same way. The quickest way to help you act differently and eliminate fears is to change the software :). Right now you are reacting and acting out of control so adopt a new  belief that says, " I am the power behind all my behaviors. I am the only one who can change how I feel, I hold the password to my computer and if I find myself  feeling to want to react negatively, I can change it in that instant and my feelings change(just like the software or operating system). The key to your success is to hypnotize yourself to adopt this as a behavior of what you say in moments,  it must be allowed in emotionally with absolute certainty.  This is and must become your knowing.

The emotions we feel and the behaviors and actions we do, are based on how we evaluate things. The key is to set up a system for self evaluation. To tap into success on all levels we must be able to change the way we think and feel in a matter of moments. We have to learn how to evaluate situations neutrally and take control of the part of our brain that controls our perception of our experiences. To explain this imagine being an archer in the Olympics and having one bad arrow. If we let that effect us negatively we would be out of medal contention. The best athletes in the world have masted this in their sports, the archer knows how to let the emotions around that shot go in seconds before the next arrow. If it is possible in sports it is so possible in all other areas of your life as well.

You can create the life of your dreams even quicker when you learn to evaluate yourself and change things in an instant. You are not your behaviors, you are the person who can control them to success!

Love you!
Hypnosis gets results!

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Dr. Amy Emme

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind Judgement......It Can Harm you!

According to the Webster’s Dictionary, to judge means "to discern, to distinguish, to form an opinion, to compare facts or ideas, and perceive their agreement or disagreement, and thus to distinguish truth from falsehood." Therefore, when you say that your neighbor is a "good person," you are passing a judgment (forming an opinion) just as much as when you say that the thief is a "bad person."

Just so we are clear I am using the word judgement in the context of that meaning! I would just like to bring to your awareness how our mind works. If it is our minds job to protect us and keep us safe it has to has references to do this. It builds memory on PERCEIVED experiences based on the layer of beliefs which we got from our first teachers- usually our parents. Have you ever thought about how you- yes you individually formed your opinions? Why do you like certain people and not others? What makes someone good and "bad"?

Have you ever made a mistake in your life because you were at an emotional low or reacting out of impulse? Would you want to be labeled for that you entire life? Of course not. I am coming from hypnosis now... everyone of my clients I see has challenges because they are judging themselves as NOT WORTHY! It is masked and covered up as depressed, overweight, smoker, under performer, etc. and the bottom line is they have created this story because they have compared themselves to others in one way or another. Think about it for a moment- and your light bulb will go off! Who are you comparing yourself to where that judgement kicks in and you feel deflated?

The one thing we cannot control is other peoples judgements of us- the only thing we can change is our own and it can be done in a second with a decision to choose better for your health and well being. Every judgement it based on a comparison and we can only compare when we have had an experience to compare it to. Or can we? We really never know what is going on inside someone else's head EVER we can ask and they may say one thing and really it is something else- so to make life so amazing focus on what is going on in your head and start judging yourself as an amazing person who was just born- Start you life over today living in the judgement of I AM LOVE.  Also forgive yourself when you slip for a moment and listen to others people's negative judgements of you- Let it Go and create the life you dream of.

Here's a judgement from Amy for you...
 I believe in you, I know you are a wonderful person your heart is love and although you have done some things in the past when you did not love yourself that could be perceived and "bad" it was only because at that time you were desperate to be loved. You are a new person today with new tools and skills and you have the ability to look in the mirror and recognize who you really are, A person full of love ready to live in this moment and let the past go knowing if you hurt people, you didn't mean to, it was merely because you were hurting (hurt people hurt people). Today choose love for yourself above all else and hold a mirror to anyone that chooses to say, be, or do anything that is unkind or disempowering to you so that you understand they are actually judging themselves.

Stay great keep training your mind to focus on what you want and it will happen! Remember if you must Judge yourself, form a positive empowering judgement that moves you in the direction of your dreams!

Love you!

Hypnosis gets results!

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes,
Your Performance Hypnocoach!
Dr. Amy Emme

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Hypnosis Behind.... Toxic Family Environments

The Hypnosis Behind.... Toxic Family Environments

I believe there is powerful hypnosis at play in this culture, one whose interpretation has harmed many people. It is only a  few words taken out of context from the bible- Honor thy mother and father.

This has been coming to my attention more and more through the clients I have been helping lately. Although the intention is an honorable one and I agree with honoring our parents, I dare to challenge why doesn't it say honor your children as well! Who says honor your children and their dreams. Who sticks up for the children who are not honored by their parents. I cannot even put a number on the clients who come to me because of the shattered dreams and lives they experience because of non supportive or damaging parents.

However, with that said, one form of healing is to understand that parents do the best they can with who they are at any specific time. We must realize most parents are hurting too and haven't learned empowering skills either. If they choose to stay in a place of destruction though it becomes the responsibility of the child(as an adult) to remove themselves from the toxic environment. Once you are 18 or in some cases younger I believe the best way to honor family is to go out and live the life you were meant to. You can heal when you release your parents from blame and send them love and use that energy then to propel you forward! Go forward in the direction of your dreams and gift yourself  the ability to take responsibility for your self preservation.

Let me give you a few examples, if you know you are an recovering alcoholic the bar is probably not the best place for you not to hang out until you get healthy enough. The same is true of a physical injury, if you broke your knee until it is strong and healthy enough you would not be rollerblading! If your parents don't honor you this will not support your dreams, if they can't see or hear who you really are then stop wasting your energy and go where you can be supported. Until you get healthy change your environment one that will grow and nurture you.

It takes time and constant consistency to purpose to break the unhealthy bonds of families and set up boundaries that are healthy. Once you get yourself on track then it is OK to attempt to test the relationship. If you find you feel better when parents are not around and actually thrive then speak your truth to them.  If you really matter to them,  if they really love you,  then they will do the work to get to know and understand the real you. Actually, anyone you choose to be in relationship with parents, siblings, friends, coworkers any relationship must really invest the energy into knowing you or it is best to get into an environment where you can thrive. Big clue if you grew up in an unhealthy environment your mind first believes this is normal!!!! Your work comes in by unhypnotizing yourself from the unhealthy and learning what healthy is. If this is not done you will attract people who repeat the same destructive patterns as your parents.

You can learn how to loving communicate your truth and the greatest gift you can give you is to put yourself in healthy environments - find your truth, then find your voice, and combine the two in love and look out at what you will accomplish and how great you will feel. At first if this is new to you it may be difficult and not feel great because you are growing and using new tools.  Remember, with practice you can master anything! I believe in you and am here if you need any help. Just leave me a comment or call!