Friday, January 11, 2013

Evolving Preferences

Have you enjoyed evolution of your preferences?

Feeling the controller in your hand, your heart begins to beat more rapidly and your eyes follow the action on the screen, quickly you begin to get lost into another world. The world where you are filled with hope of success. In this world you escape and become another being, a creator of a new sort and depending on the world you pick you evolve based on your preference.

From Atari and packman, to Wii just dance and  Xbox 360 mind craft, to name a few our mind has the ability to adapt and create in so many ways it is just beautiful. What is even more fascinating is that a circle moving open and closed appearing to eat dots and run away from ghosts can get our heart racing and our emotions moving? Have you ever thought about that? Evolving into Wii and dancing with imaginary people on a screen to where the machine picks up our movements and calculates  how coordinated we are in comparison to the fake dancers wow... who created this stuff and how does their mind work? To the Xbox and mind craft where you have the ability to build complete worlds it just keeps getting more amazing and it all begins the same the only difference is the preference of the creator.

There is abundant potential in the ability of your mind to create. The subconscious is just like a five year old child in that it believes exactly what you tell it. If you give it permission to play it will enjoy going out and getting as creative as you encourage it to be. Where you choose to play will be your preference and as you allow it to explore you will begin to get better and better at evolving  into greater and greater worlds. Worlds where you have yet to discover how much fun you will have until you give yourself the permission to feel you heart race again, allow your eyes to follow your twinkling's and get lost in the world of your choice. Give yourself to play more and more everyday.

AffirmationI play everyday according to my preferences!

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love and Positive Wishes,
Your Hypnocoach,
Amy Emme

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Shooting Beavers

What did you learn new today?

Entering the car after work today proved to be a particular challenge. Women are simply amazing the feats that they conquer just in wearing specific clothing alone. Today, I realized that sometimes as a woman getting into a car when a skirt is a certain length can prove to be extremely challenging, especially if you want to remain modest and discrete.   So leaving my center today I was talking to a friend and doing my best to get in the car and avoid as my dad taught me the saying "shoot a beaver". We got the giggles because she could see my struggles and she taught me a whole new way to enter.

Previously I  was lifting my skirt up over my knees high enough to bend and usually it was not a pretty sight I just went as fast as I could, when she simply said, Amy did you ever try sitting then sliding you legs in. I started laughing in all my 40 years and dress wearing moments I had never learned this simple beaver saving technique. Then my mind began to wonder. What else could be so simple if I were to make myself more open to help? Where have I been making life harder than needed? Then, again my mind began to wonder as I heard my dad laughing the first time he taught me that term shoot a beaver? I wanted to know where the term came from and I realized I never had actually looked it up so here is my gift to you.

From Etymology Online,
In colonial times it was thought that prostitutes spread venereal diseases through contact with their pubic area, so the women were made "bald" in that area for health reasons. However, their clients did not like that look and business began to suffer. Therefore, pubic wigs, called merkins, were manufactured for the prostitutes. These merkins were made out of beaver pelts. Hence the term beaver.

There are so many opportunities for us to learn in every moment and to see these moments as gifts to make our lives better. Where are you missing your opportunities because you are attached to habits that may make things more difficult than they need to be? Also, what sayings are you using without having a clue what they really mean?

Affirmation: I embrace learning new things and ways of doing things!
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love and Positive Wishes,
Your Hypnocoach,
Amy Emme

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Say me then we!

Have you become so focused on what other people are doing that you have forgotten that you actually need to focus on you?
Notice the flowers in the picture, alone they are beautiful alone and together they are breathtaking. Just like a healthy relationship. Beautiful is achievable as long as you are aware of what is not healthy. 
Are you the person who cares so much about others that you need to control events and know every moment of the day what is happening with the other person because you are so attached you become afraid of being left out? Do you in a day count how many times you thought about them and their desires and compared it to how many times  you think about you and your desires only to find, the whole day you never thought about what you wanted!?!?
If you have answered yes to any of these questions please get to know this word CODEPENDENT.  In this moment, the goal is to make you aware of the behaviors so that there is an opportunity to move to COEMPOWERMENT, a much healthier choice for relationship.  In a codependent relationship, the first key that you are becoming unhealthy is that you are becoming excessively worried about and preoccupied with a problem or person where emotionally your life and its joy hinges on the wishes of another.  It is dangerous to attach to yourself to the idea that a person needs you and that over attachment is exactly what keeps your life in a state of chaos.
If you ever begin thinking about, becoming obsessed with someone or something it starts to become a habit in your mind that must be stopped. Retraining your mind to focus on you or possibly training your mind to think of you for the first time in your life, requires serious focus and concentration. Hypnosis is the quickest way to help with this, however  just by getting honest with yourself and becoming aware of your thoughts, you can then make a shift.
Remember, you deserve the best and your mind plays games based on the way it was trained. To make sure you are being honest with yourself you have to keep track at first of the thoughts you think and then create an equal amount of thoughts for yourself instead of the other person. This will move you to coempowerment.  It will create a new habit of valuing the meaning of your life, your dreams, your fun, and creativity. Once you get good at shifting your thoughts, you then can express what is on your heart and both honor each other from a place of authenticity and this is where healthy relationship begins. Love energy matched with love energy and healthy minds, beautiful flowers, beautiful bouquets. 
I choose to be in coempowered relationships where I think of me then we!  

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love and Positive Wishes,
Your Hypnocoach,
Amy Emme

Monday, January 7, 2013

Is NOW your time?

 Have you ever wanted something NOW only to find out now just wasn't your time?

When was the last time you were in a deep conversation with friends only to discover how parallel life may be. What can be seen from the outside of a house is so different than what is usually going on behind closed doors. Just like our bodies, sometimes a smile can mask a pain and until you are brave enough to get so honest with where you are shutting the door temporarily is the only way to keep the wind of chaos out.

It is good to shut doors, to go quiet and to wait for the winds to die down and you find your footings. I love that country song by Garth Brooks, Unanswered Prayers - some of Gods greatest gifts are what seem unanswered prayers- catch that what "seem" are unanswered because they are always answered. Remember to ask in your quiet moments Why is this happening for me? It is ALLWAYS happening FOR you and the greatest gift you can give yourself is to shut the door to the noise until that answer comes to you.

In life we may want to learn things and it may just not be our time. If you want to see your growth you can simply read a passage in any book one day, write down in your words what it means to you and how it is relevant on that day to your life.  Put it down and reread it a week later and write what it means to you on that day and compare the notes. You will have grown and it will be fun for you to realize the only thing you can be sure of in this life is that you are constantly changing. Each day growing at the right speed so to get the most of it, take it in, relax. trust and enjoy the entire journey! You time is now in the present moment and you are ready to know just what you need to for NOW! Go ahead shut the door, go quiet and ask again why is this happening for me.

Affirmation: I trust in NOW it is all I need to know!

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love and Positive Wishes,
Your Hypnocoach,
Amy Emme

Friday, January 4, 2013

Why am I so afraid of success?

Why am I so afraid of success?

Have you ever felt like no matter what you do you cannot achieve success in certain areas? Over and over again it seems I turn away from conversations where people are complaining about their financial situations lately and it has prompted me to write this entry.

First you must understand that human beings are complex structures that require consistent flows of energy.

This states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed. However, energy can change forms, and energy can flow from one place to another.

When you surround yourself with fear energy like conversations of how financially poor things are you start to alter you state of consciousness to a heighten fear base one. If you were to look at an EEG graph of you brain when this fear goes though you and your mind races to your bills and your expenses and your limiting beliefs you would see fluctuations in you energy levels all over the place. You will notice that suggestions made to a conscious mind usually have little or no effect they are suppressed by all the existing beliefs and previous programming.
However, when you alter your state of consciousness though hypnosis, self awareness and personal suggestions given in a deep trance session,  you train your brain to become stronger and fear based thoughts bounce off and your energy of creation and possibilities stay strong as well as your creative force of attraction of resources. You are in a completely different wave level in your brain where the rhythms easily accept new behaviors and  healthy beliefs.
In this state you can be asked what is your fear of success and you will be given the root answer and uncover the blocks which often are not logical answers. Find a book on self hypnosis and learn to get in tune with you and trust in the answers are revealed because you deserve to be any kind of successful you choose.

Affirmation: I embrace success and choose it in every way!   
Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love and Positive Wishes,
Your Hypnocoach,
Amy Emme

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Have you ever asked the question, What is my life about?  Perhaps you phrased it this way, What is my Purpose? 

This was an act of love by my dear friend Regine and it inspired me so much I wanted to share. Many years of seeing clients and training people to accept their greatness has blessed me with the opportunity to witness so many amazing gifts of life shared. It is my opinion life is here to give us a chance to put into practice love. The first learning is to fully accept to love ourselves. I believe this is the greatest challenge facing the human race.  

When we accept that we are here to practice love we must first clarify what is love in the way I speak of it. Love as described here is when you open up to be courageous and trust in the impeccability of  you words.  When you choose to let the stories go that run in the hamster wheel of your mind and accept that every moment you have spent in this lifetime has been given to you to help you learn acceptance. EVERY MOMENT, a chance to see to feel, to experience, and most of all love through the pain and emerge with more compassion and understanding, purpose and passion, where before,  there may have been only judgment.

I am deeply grateful for you sharing your life with me and for you giving me the chance to share with you. This is one way I get to practice love. Inside of you is a wonderful amazing student and teacher. By transforming all your energy and  faith into living acts of love you really get to know yourself and to experience true greatness.
 You don't have to find love it will choose you in each moment all you have to do is allow it in. Celebrate it's presence through total self surrender. You deserve love and the more you acknowledge that the more you will be surrounded by and able to enjoy it. This is your true life's purpose to love in all you do.

AffirmationI choose to share my life by allowing love in and sending it out!

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love and Positive Wishes,
Your Hypnocoach,
Amy Emme

Are you afraid of dark nights--

Are you feeling alone? Lost? Perhaps like if you screamed at the top of you lungs you still would not be heard? When we feel abandoned by the light of life and all it has to offer there is a huge learning for us. It is in these times of stillness we can hear our heart. When we are listening to the sound of our sadness it is a time to get clear that we have lost ourselves to the expectations of others and worn the label like a badge.

Often life becomes so busy we get distracted by the noise and it keeps us from really hearing what is wanting to emerge in and through us.  Just think about your day from the time the alarm goes off you are surrounded by things directing your to your next programmed destination. When are you stopping to hear your heart in  the day?
If you are unsure, stop now, close your eyes, cover your ears, just take a deep breath and concentrate on the center of your chest. Notice that you can not only hear in from the inside of your head you can feel your whole body responding to it's rhythm.  

Let's take it a step farther, slowly now notice how you are the drummer of  it's beat and you are conducting your mind to speed it up or slow it down based on your perception to the circumstances around you. Begin to conduct it to slow down and breathe deeper, focus, concentrate and notice the stillness and the darkness and how that darkness is really a beautiful opportunity to not get distracted rather a place to seize the opportunity to know yourself further. To allow yourself to blossom.

In nature the darkness is as welcomed as is the light.  Just like nature, welcome your dark quiet moments to notice you are really never alone, rather,  you are  being gifted moments to notice how loved you truly are. Your heart is beating for you waiting for you to conduct it and take you to the beauty of the moment. Embrace the dark as well as the light and notice how much you will now receive as a result.  

AffirmationI embrace the dark knowing it is as essential  for me as the light

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love and Positive Wishes,
Your Hypnocoach,
Amy Emme

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The year of MSU is in the clouds for you!

 What if everything you did in your life was pure perfection? Imagine that your best friends were named unlimited opportunities and possibilities and today they are at your door and all you have to do is open the door and invite them in.  What would you want to do with them?

 They ask you what you feel like doing? Remember, you can only succeed at whatever it is. You are a secure, open, willing to grow, loving individual, who is a real team player and leader. In your honesty you are compelled to accept that this is the year of MSU and it excites you. You realize you have really been living  many years according to others desires for you and this year you decide it will be different.

It is after all a magical year  and you hear QUIT WASTING TIME ringing in your ears and you now decide to live longer and each day get stronger! The secret to prosperity is all yours and all you have to do is MSU.

How wealthy will you be this year? How healthy and how much fun will you have? What will your relationships look like and what direction do you want to create for you legacy? Guess what, you get to MSU and it will all be great for you!  

Now are you ready..... ????

How much MSU you do is totally up to you and well you can even include your friends too. Your best friend your subconscious loves to MSU and it is on standby for you.  So what do you say, now are you ready???

It is time and I look forward to learning from all of you the MSU that you will do! Your life  really only means what you say it means anyway. It is something you practice and the more you MSU, the more you do that will serve you. As your hypnocoach I encourage you now to go and embrace your new power to


Affirmation: My mind is me and I make up what I choose to be!

Remember,  your mind will believe you so enjoy yourself!

Dream it, Believe it, Plan it, Achieve it!
Hugs, Kisses, Love, and Positive Wishes
Your Hypnocoach,
Amy Emme